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ждемс любопытный новый апдейт)

блаблабла, в основном пофиксят систему строительства и самих рецептов, теперь заиметь блюпринт, не так уж будет и просто, он теперь собирается вроди как из 60 кусков, или типа того, можно делать целые книги, и  как я понял, чем больше блю принт, тем больше рецов откроется, аля си 4 и прочее.

будем посмотреть.

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ога ога

значит с блюпринтом я напутал, выходит вот оно чо)

Из 60 фрагментов крафтишь страницу чертежа, ты можешь его изучить и тебе в любом случае выпадет простой рецепт (колья всякие, топоры может и прочий мусор). Если тебе нужны рецепты покруче, крафтишь пять таких страниц и жмёшь "Улучшить". У тебя появляется книга рецептов. Потом крафтишь книг пять, вроде, жмёшь улучшить и получаешь библиотеку рецкптов. Жмёшь на неё, выбираешь получить рецепт и тебе выпалет какое-нибудь крутое оружие, сиха броник и всё в этом духе. Но могут попадаться и простые рецепты, как и раньше (разбил бочку ->выпал рецепт калаша)

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DevBlog 74

Гарри Ньюмен про devblog 74

Изменена система опроса статуса сервера, из-за чего некоторые владельцы серверов вынуждены были задержаться с обновлением сервера.
Теперь опрашиваются два порта сервера: один для игрока, чтобы он мог играть, а другой для стима, чтобы понять адекват сервер или нет. В двух словах так, а на деле, нам нет до этого дела.

Перед отпуском Гарри внедрил систему разработки одежды пользователями и те, в свою очередь, не побрезговали воспользоваться ею.

Также Гарри что-то невнятное рассказал про новую систему иконок для предметов в игре, но я, честно признаться, ни черта не понял. Понял лишь то, что теперь иконки соответствуют модельке, то есть если моделька загрязнилась, то и иконка такая же. Если не прав, поправьте. Спасибо. =)

А ещё он обновил SDK и теперь в наборе присутствуют новые шейдеры. Это говорит о том, что теперь можно делать скины и для курток, пуховиков и даже шляп и балаклавы. 

Снова дорабатывается код для исключения ситуаций, которые могли привести к растягиванию текстур (продолжение работы, начатой ещё на прошлой неделе).

Обновленная система перестрелок дала свои плоды. В целом всё работает отлично, но всё ещё имеется проблема с кадрами в секунду в некоторых ситуациях. Над этим и работает Андре сейчас.

Продолжает работать над системой попаданий. Если точнее, то сейчас ведутся работы над определением различных частей тела при попадании.

Исправлен баг с отставанием тени игрока при беге с видом от первого лица. Теперь всё гладко и красиво.

Прочее одним списком

-добавлена команда админа «teleport playerA playerB» (команда «teleport player» тоже работает)
-добавлена команда админа «teleport2me player»
-добавлены команды «client.fps» и «server.fps»
-администраторы больше не женщины, ну если они и правда не женщины
-на PVE серверах больше нельзя повреджать здания из-за пределов зоны действия шкафа, а также снести постройки можно на протяжении всего жизненного цикла (вместо 10 минут, как на PVP)

Про девблог 74 от Диего

Устал бороться с артефактами SSAO и вернул всё назад — к SSAO Pro. Проблема решилась меньшей кровью — небольшим падением производительности.

PVT кэширование съедает порядка 384 Мб видеопамяти, но призвано повышать производительность. Так что если у вас проблемы с производительностью, в меню F2 в самом низу можно отключить эту функцию.

Закончено сжатие карты поверхности в режиме DX11 для оборудования уровня DX10.1. Это ускорило рендеринг ландшафта при сверхнизком уровне графики и при любом уровне настройки PVT.

Вернулся к работе над water2. Сейчас работает над отражениями облаков и прочего на воде.


-исправлен баг, из-за которого не обновлялись списки серверов в клиенте
-добавлена грязь на одежду
-исправлены слишком прозрачные частицы костра

В блоге без Гусмана нельзя

Он, как и на прошлой неделе, занимался анимацией игрока в моменты простоя/отдыха/безделья.

Начал работать над анимацией ранений. Пока что сделана анимация ранение в левую руку, но в планах у Гуся анимации для всех частей тела. А также немного доработана анимация попадания в капкан. Интересно!

Пара слов от Винса

Закончены работы по внешнему виду роста кукурузы.

А также несколько улучшена визуальная составляющая бочек.

Начата большая работа над объектами для новых радиационных городов, монументов и всякого рода обломков/руин/свалок (нужное подчеркнуть). Для тех самых модульных городов.

В настоящее список элементов, сгруппированных для новых объектов, содержит дороги, железнодорожные пути, вагоны, трубопроводы, коллекторы и тоннели, подземные, промышленные и жилые сооружения (как целые, так и разрушенные). 

Список довольно длинный, но уже сейчас дает нам хорошее представление о том, что будет в итоге.
Хавьер о devblog

Создана куча разнообразных скинов для банданы. В игру внедрят на следующей неделе.

Немного информации от Алекса Рейберга

Большую часть недели он работал над неким секретом, о котором мы узнаем позже.

Из не засекреченного:

-Изменены звуки копыт лошадей, они теперь не похожи на звук кокоса
-Заменены и доработаны звуки сбора растений (в частности, тыква больше не пугает звуком выстрела)
-Ведется работа над звуком ракетницы в помещениях и монументах вроде сферы


У Хоуи всё коротко и ясно. Она работал над системой модульной генерации городов и объектов.

Изображание проекта модульного города Изображение проекта модульного объекта

У Павла всё хорошо

Тут всё в соответствии с девблогом. Если Гарри вверху писал про грязь на одежде, то Павел тут нам показывает чуть больше этой грязи.

Изображение грязной одежды Изображение грязной брони из знаков Изображение грязной брони из костей

Ну и сказал, что помогает Тому с идеями для женской модельки. Интересно, что за идеи и какой всё же будет размер «глаз»? 

Ну и Том

Том разработал модель бронежилета для того, чтобы в Steam workshop уже могли рисовать для него скины.


-вроде бы как сделали анимацию разрушения бочек
-неправильные никнеймы теперь отвергаются игрой

TODO на следующую неделю для devblog 75

-доработать систему просчета попаданий и повреждений в зависимости от места попадания
-завершить работу над отражениями на воде
-продолжать создавать анимации ранения для различных частей тела
-продолжать работать над новыми игровыми объектами (городами, монументами и всякого рода обломками/руинами/свалками)
-внедрить чудесные разноцветные штаны
-завершить работу над звуком ракетницы в помещениях и монументах вроде сферы
-дальше разрабатывать систему модульной генерации объектов и городов
-доработать модель женского персонажа
-довести до ума бронежилет

Есть мнение

Вы знаете, вообще, конечно же круто, когда в игре каждый игрок уникально выглядит. Это я про то, что вводится много разной одежды и все такое. Я не против разнообразия, я против неудачного времени для его внедрения. Сделайте игру, блин, а уж потом делайте все остальное. Пожалуйста.

Текст взят с сайта : rust-game.info/news/rust-devblog-74-ili-nedelya-mody/





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Я вернулось домой, можно попробовать побегать, завтра, сегодня ночью будет апдейт, вроди как, по слухам, введут впервые со старого раста, улучшения на пушки.


Сто лет уже не играл )

Давайте чот замутим, на ночь или завтра )


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почему она лысая? )


обновлений на этой неделе не было, но разработчики решили поделиться, чем они там так занимаются


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Devblog 77 

Разрабы переходят на двухнедельный график. Так что патча на этой неделе не будет. Они работают над холо-прицелом, новыми радиационными городами, балансированием рынка и многим другим.
Что сказать по холо?

Пока что прицел работает через жопу. Что тут кривить душой. И Гарри признается в этом. Он знает, что народ не хочет играть, пока все не сделают как следует.

И вообще, вся система прицеливания попала под прицел. Гарри взялся сделать все гораздо точнее и правильнее.


Честно? Я за*бался уже печатать про одно и то же. Ребят, мне лучше с вами пообщаться на тему разработки игры, чем повторяться.

Что про города сказать. Винс продолжает работу над городами. Типа у него наблюдается прогресс. Ну не знаю. Достали, по-моему уже.

Также наблюдается развитие в плане перепадов уровня земли. Теперь будут возвышенности, овраги для пронырливых снайперов.

Новые эффекты частиц оказались настолько глючными, что понизили производительность. Поздравляем Гарри!


Серьезная проблема на данный момент — заикания и попердывания игры во время подгрузки новых элементов. Началось всё с выбора строительного элемента в первый раз. Но после фиксации проблемы, появилась новая — со сменой звуков. Бл**ь, ну сколько можно) В общем, с производительностью пока что проблемы.

Андрюха, в общем-то, в последние недели не особенно радует. Куча слов и много текста, а по делу ничего. Одни наработки, разработки и ничего толком не доделано.

Новые модели дополнительных модов для оружия

Алекс как всегда работал над звуком в игре. Много изменений нас будет ждать в звуках огнестрельного оружия, а также доработаны звуки шагов влево/вправо (стрейф).

Что же будет позже:

-Новые таблицы лута, переработанные с нуля
-Добавлен спавн C4 в лачуге на задней части острова
-Добавлены большие общедоступные печи
-Добавлено несколько костров общего пользования
-Аирдропы теперь немного чаще
-Добавлено более интересное освещение ключевых областей
-Добавлены места спавна конопли

Ах, какая, женщина!

Доработана модель женского персонажа, так что скоро он будет в финальной стадии.

Новые эффекты

Добавлен новый визуальный эффект собирательства.

Добавлен эффект крошки во время добычи руды.

Изменен эффект отображаемых на экране повреждений. Забрызгало всё к чертовой бабушке!

Также будут доработаны и эффекты шагов животных по земле. Выглядеть это должно действительно круто. Так сказали разработчики. =)

Сигнал дымовой гранаты стал больше фиолетовым, чем розовым.


Исправлено несколько ошибок для лука и арбалета. Арбалет обновлен и выглядит следующим образом:

По дороге к Devblog 78

Тут особенно нечего сказать. Все как всегда: работа над багами, доработка звукового сопровождения, графики, визуальных эффектов, модов для оружия. Ничего сверхъестественного.

Вот такой получился блог… сухой. Но, что поделать, если разработчики буксуют? Остается лишь набраться терпения и ждать. 

Источник : rust-game.info/news/devblog-77-ili-dozhdalis/


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Devblog 78


We’ve got a game-changing patch going live… right now. There’s an NPC attack chopper coming to fuck your shit up, holo sights for weapons, new perimeter fence gates, streamer mode, an engine update, and loads more.


Maurino Buckle Up

Welp, here she is. After many long weeks of hard work the PvE helicopter event will be live. Before I talk about what it does, let me give you guys some disclaimers so you don’t think it’s completely done:

  • It’s maybe 70% complete.
  • It’s going to go through trees in some situations.
  • It’s going to shoot you through tree canopies.
  • Its movement can be wonky sometimes and it’ll go up too fast or turn too fast.
  • It’s probably OP.
  • It’s probably UP.
  • It’s probably laggy on servers with lots of players.

So now that all the negatives are out of the way, here’s how it works.

Every 48-72 in-game hours, one will spawn offshore and begin to patrol between all the monuments on the map, engaging players it encounters along the way. If you don’t want to be killed, I suggest hiding from it before it gets too close! If you do want a piece of the action, don’t just spam the helicopter with bullets, that’ll just piss it off. Instead aim for what you think might be weak spots which will bring it down much much faster. Once the helicopter is downed you can investigate the crash site to find some high-end gear. You may have to wait a while before you can approach it due to fuel fires – which can be seen by other players at long ranges, so watch your back. At night you can evade detection by staying out of the spotlight, but once you’re detected you’re pretty much screwed!

I know it’s not perfect, and I know it’s got some bugs, but I really hope you guys enjoy it. It took quite a bit of work to get it to this level, have fun!

Next Week

I’ll be fixing the balance of the helicopter, and also the inevitable 285 bugs that will show up on reddit. I’ll be watching.

Garry Unity 5.2

This update brings an update from Unity 5.1 to Unity 5.2. A few things have changed for the better, but it has introduced some bugs.

They have made the UI system slightly faster, but they’ve introduced a few linear colour bugs and new layout issues. The UI Mask distortion that was plaguing OSX builds seems to have been fixed.

There’s an animation event bug right now that may be affecting a few things. Andre added a little hack which should stop it being an issue on footsteps, but you might experience it on animals. I’m told they’re aware of it and are going to have a patch with it fixed.

They fixed an issue we were having with the decals, where they’d disappear in low light. So you should now actually see decals when you hit things.

That’s all that was really added in 5.2 that affects us. Please stop asking us about DirectX12, it’s not going to turn your shit GPU into a good one.

Story Log

When you’re playing you have what we call internally a “life story”. This is really basic right now, logging how long you were alive and how you died. It’s used on the death screen to show who killed you.

We’ve started saving these stories on the server every time a player dies. We’re going to do more with this in the future, but for now it’s enabled me to add a much much requested feature: if you leave a server and rejoin later and you’re dead, you’ll get the death screen with information about that death. So even though you’ve died somehow you’ll at least know roughly how it happened.

Weapon Attachment Fixes

I’ve been polishing off the weapon attachment system this week. I’ve fixed how they used to disappear after a few minutes of walking, and they now lose condition when you use your weapon.

Streamer Mode

Something I’ve been wanting to try out for a long time is a streamer mode. Streamers sometimes find it hard to play Rust because people will find out what server they’re on and either DDOS it or hunt them down and kill them. Streamer mode hopes to make that a bit less likely.

First of all it tries to hide all server names, so if you’re streaming and you accidentally press escape, your audience won’t see the server name.

Secondly, it changes everyone’s name to something random. The names are based on their steamid, so the same guys will always have the same names. You’ll recognise your friends because they will always have the same random name.

This probably isn’t going to solve all the problems, and I’m sure there’s room for improvement, but hopefully it will help out the guys who have been asking for this. Or at a minimum it will make them realise it’s a big waste of time and will shut up asking for it.


The baseline implementation of the gates are in. This has been waiting on my todo list for a long time so I wanted to make a start on it so Vince could do the art, but it needs a bit more polish to be at a place where we’re happy with it. The gate opens and closes quite slowly (8 seconds), this is on purpose to allow for a moment of vulnerability.

I played with the idea of only being able to open it from one side, but in the end I decided against it. You’d need someone in your base to close the gate and open it for you all the time. We’d end up with situations where people would add in and out gates to their walls. So now they work just like doors.

One known issue is the placement of the locks. I’ve got to come up with a new system for lock placement so we can place them in different places on both sides of the door, because at the moment it’s just one object which is a set distance away.

Next Week

The holo sight makes the weapon jitter issue a lot more obvious. This was something I was hoping that Unity would fix, but that doesn’t seem very likely, so I’m going to have to have a look at hacking the fuck around. Hopefully it won’t have to be as hacky as the solution in Legacy.

I’m also going to be looking at making blueprints upgradable, so instead of all weapons having two slots, you’ll have to upgrade your blueprint to be able to craft weapons with extra slots. We’ve got a few other crazy plans for this so I want to do it right.

Andre Artist-Friendly Decals

I fixed a number of issues about the way we spawn decals that made it far too hard for artists to create and preview decals. Together with last week’s fixes we can now really start using them. Scott is already on the case, so check out his section for some details.

LOD/Batching Improvements

I changed the LOD grid to do its distance calculation per-object instead of per-cell for more accurate LOD switches, especially for buildings. This in turn allowed me to increase the LOD grid size for faster LOD refreshes and bigger, more optimized batched meshes. I also fixed an issue that could temporarily render objects invisible for a short period of time between being spawned and being batched.

UI Optimizations

While profiling the game I found out that the 2D UI event system takes a significant amount of time every frame. This was caused by the UI raycast components being enabled even when the mouse cursor was locked and invisible. This cost us at least 1-2ms every frame and is now fixed.

Asset Preloading

I did some more experiments with asset preloading this week. As explained in last week’s devblog, doing this is essential in order to reduce stuttering mid-gameplay. This week I optimized the loading screen warm-up step as much as possible with our current asset organization.

Since Unity improved asynchronous asset loading in 5.2, I also added an experimental second warm-up mode that preloads assets while in the main menu. However, since it makes the main menu slightly laggy it is to be considered experimental until Unity sends more asynchronous loading improvements our way.

Long story short, full asset preloading in the loading screen is now the default mode on 64bit systems and should greatly reduce the stuttering experienced mid-gameplay.

Next Week

Due to the update to Unity 5.2 and the testing it involved I didn’t have much time to finish up collider batching this week. There’s also a problem with the way construction blocks spawn on the server that should ideally be addressed before collider batching goes live, so I’ve rescheduled it for the next update.

Vince Dungeons Progress

Between last week’s blogpost and this one I managed to put 3 good days in the dungeon branch. It was enough for me to polish some features of the previous remnants and add a few extra pieces to the sewers greybox set: two relatively big rooms that can connect into tunnels at different floors. It’ll make for some nice underground exploration. Speaking of which, I also replaced the abandoned house radtown with a totally new one: it’s a natural rock canyon, with the climbing pigeon nest at the bottom of it, a cave network (that I won’t let you build into), a sewer dungeon part, and a couple small buildings atop the cliffs.


I also reworked our lighthouse base by making it more visually consistent with the rest of our remnants using cliff meshes, but there’s a few things to fix on that one with Andre before it’s fully functional. There’s other features it still lacks to push all this stuff to you guys, but hopefully it’ll come in the next two weeks.

Gates Art

The gates! Got them done, also I revamped the stone wall to look more in line with the (soon) incoming stone gate! Oh and the stone wall damages you now too.



Rust on stones, my life is complete.

Next Week

On holiday!


Started a shitty week with what I suspect was food poisoning. That put me back a couple of days. Regardless, I got some good progress done. This might not make it to the patch, but I’ll be working on it throughout the weekend and I think it might be worth the wait.

In these images you can see a flat ocean with global reflection on the left and global + local on the right:

Same image set, except with ocean waves enabled:

You’ll notice that we’re even reflecting the fog. Obviously, we had this working a couple of months ago but it was a very quick and dirty version that served us well for a while. This time around, we’re spending more time on it to make it fast and pretty.

The reason why this is taking so long is, not only the fact that there are a lot of graphics elements and plugins at play, it also needs to be really fast and scalable; this is the most important part. I’m taking the extra time to test on several machines from high to low end. There are some drawbacks common across all screen-space implementations which can’t be seen in this image but I’ll do my best to make them less distracting.

In case you’re wondering, the reason why we’re not waiting for Unity’s SSR is mostly because water reflections can withstand a more comprehensive set of optimizations and can be more tolerant to compromise (thus faster) than a generic solution.

I also did some stability work: I got rid of all runtime allocations in terrain rendering, PVT, water and some post effects, to make my contribution to André’s ongoing efforts to achieve a more stable frame rate. I took the opportunity to patch some areas of my own code that could be causing potential crashes for some players – e.g. switching water quality or turning pvt on/off

Next Week

Will keep working on Water 2.5, optimization and polishing work, more bugs (probably).


I’ve been working on a variety of generic clothing items that people will be able to easily customize. Rather than creating very distinctively Rust-styled cobbled together clothing, these are designed to look more like everyday clothing items so that patterns and designs you’d see on normal clothing are a bit easier to pull off for Steam Workshop items.





Next Week

Next week I should have at least a couple of these done and ready to be released, and I should have others in the works.


I finished some high-poly versions of the red dot sight:


And the laser sight module:


I also did a “wear and tear” pass on the holo sight to make it fit better in Rust:


Just to clarify, there are plans to do more primitive looking add-ons (Paul is working on some concepts at the moment). These authentic military add-ons will most likely come from airdrops or loot drops.

Next Week

I’ll continue working on the add-ons. Most likely I’ll be able to get the holo sight done and in game next week.

Alex Rehberg

I spent most of the week making new/extra gunshot sounds. I felt like this was one of my weak points before, and I picked up some tricks while working on explosions that translated well to gunshots too. Recorded gunshots actually sound pretty lame a lot of the time. The thing that makes guns sound so imposing in real life is how loud they are (loud enough to actually damage a lot of microphones). That doesn’t translate very well through recording, so a lot of recorded gunshots end up sounding like wimpy pops and don’t have much character. The solution to that is to use and layer different sounds over the gunshots. I had a lot of fun recording and digging up things like nail guns, cracking whips, truck air brakes and staplers to add more spice to these.

I also worked on silenced gunshot sounds for all the existing guns too, but those aren’t quite ready yet.

I added some subtle clothing movement sounds to the relax animations Minh added recently, but I’m holding off on committing that for now. There’s a bug in the latest version of Unity (which should be fixed in 5.2.1) that causes animation events to fire from animations that are fully blended out. Since these sounds are played from animation events we’d end up playing the sounds from ALL the relax gestures at the same time if I put these in now.

Next Week

I’m going to finish up the silenced gunshots. Then I’d like to spend time doing some more general polish work and sounds for one off things that haven’t gotten any love yet (planting seeds, building, upgrading things, etc).


I started working on a new remnant town/area that we’re calling the military caves. These industrialized caves should provide a considerable challenge for players, while also containing valuable loot. This is just an access tunnel but I’m also planning on designing a central location/room that tunnels like this lead to.


Next Week

I’ll be on vacation until the end of September, but when I get back I’ll being getting further into the design for these military caves.


Working on the low poly female model! We’ve got it to a stage we’re happy with and so we’re going forward. We’re doing something a little bit different this time. Sort of. We’re separating the head mesh UV into its own UV/texture sheet from the body. One reason for this is that we’ll be able to capture finer details in the textures this way, as the two boxes in the middle highlight. I’ll be working more on this to get the most out of it.


We’ve also changed the mesh up with female. What we did for the old female mesh was share the male mesh which meant we didn’t really have the polygons to support the shape of the breasts, hence the manly shape. So to avoid PS1 style Lara Croft boobs we’ve added a few extra polys to capture the forms so females are far easier to identify.

For those wondering why I put pants on the model last time, it was purely just to change things up a bit. No need to worry: she will be nude like the male.

Next Week

More on the low poly model and textures!


Worked on some weapon stuff this week. Firstly I tweaked the flamethrower design so that it looks like it’s built from more practical functional parts. It will lend itself better to being modded and have a more cool looking shape from first person view. I’m a fan of removing things from the UI if possible and having information on the weapons themselves for more immersion, so it’ll have a cool little fuel gauge to show you if you’re running low on ammo and a blowtorch flame to show when it’s active. I also did a couple of holo sight concepts: the first of a bunch of mods that I will be designing that have a more thrown together ‘Rust’ look to them, like they were made from various bits of scrap metals and parts.



Next Week

More weapons mod goodies. There’s quite a lot of stuff to get stuck into here so I’ll just grind away at it until we have enough that we’re happy with :)

Scott Deferred Decals

These are working now thanks to 5.2 and some Andre love. I’ve focused on bullet impact decals first. Concrete, wood and metal are working, and I will be bringing in stone, cloth, flesh, dirt etc. over the next couple of weeks.

Video Player
Torch View Model

I gave the torch effects some attention this week. It does look better, but I still want to make it so the lit cloth looks like it’s burning just like the campfire wood looks.

Video Player
Oil Crater

Added a cool little bubbling effect to the crater. It just sells the idea of the oil being a physical thing a bit more.

Concrete Mesh Particles

Done and will get plugged into the appropriate effect in the next couple of days. They are on the concrete bullet impact effect though if you want to check them out.

Next Week

Continue with the bullet impact decals and hopefully get all surfaces done so I can move on to blunt and slash impacts.

  • Bring the torch world model effect in-line with the new view models one.
  • Start looking at blood effects, starting with a system to spawn entry/exit wound decals, effects and the subsequent blood spray on surfaces behind the character.
  • If I have any time left after that continue the damage overlay improvements.

Savas_KOTH should now be operational again, and much improved:

  • Loot tables remade from scratch. Much better loot, and no bullcrap
  • Added a small buildable hill in the middle, if your group has the balls
  • Added static spotlights on said hill, for the defenders
  • Added the attack helicopter event to it (once every 24-48 hours)
  • Added a C4 spawn shack at the back of the island
  • Loot crates now use Savas-specific textures with clearly marked loot tiers
  • Food Town changed to Ammo Farm. It is the only place to get exotic ammo
  • Added a large public furnace
  • Added several public campfires
  • Airdrops are slightly more frequent
  • Added lighting to key areas
  • Added hemp spawns for cloth
  • Added some localized sound effects
  • And more…

I also made SavasIsland, a classic Rust variant of the PVP map. It is fully buildable, and has more conventional loot.

Other than that, I did a bunch of nature tweaking, fixed some trees that got completely borked because of a Speedtree update, and fucked with all foliage LOD distances, so that you hopefully should have a bunch more FPS now.

Next Week

I’ll be helping Bill with some things, so I’m not entirely sure! We’ll see.


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видел вертолет, пристроился у чужого дома, думал мож снесет его вместе сомной, а он в сторонке пролетел, пару раз шмальнул по мне, и не притормаживая улетел восвояси(

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Devblog 80


Napalm, small stashes, and lots of optimisation. We’re wiping this week, too.


Maurino Helicopter 2.0

Wow! You guys rekt that thing. I watched many encounters of the heli being completely owned without taking a single life. Turns out there was a bug making it super easy to be taken down. The chopper had 100% penetration values set, this means any bullets would go right through it like a laser beam damaging every hitbox inside it, so you could simply shoot from under it and the main rotor and engine would be destroyed! This is now fixed. Even that isn’t enough, though. So I’ve made the following balance changes and fixes

  • Door guns fire slightly faster.
  • Door guns do slightly more damage.
  • Larger gap between door gun bursts.
  • 2.5x health for the tail rotor and engine.
  • Smoke on the weakspots appear when they are at 50% health instead of after one shot.
  • You can no longer use tool cupboards to prevent rocket strafes.
  • Loot crates are actually unlootable until their flames go out.

Also, this :


Some clever players figured out they could constantly circle around a piece of cover indefinitely and solo the helicopter. Welp that’s over. Now when you deal a significant chunk of damage to the helicopter it’ll blanket the area the damage came from in napalm, forcing you to move. I hope this makes it so it takes several players in multiple positions to take out the helicopter.

Another change I made was the ability to harvest the helicopter gibs! They’ll provide you with some metal fragments and high quality metal, but be careful they’re hot! You should wait about 8 minutes before attempting to harvest them.

Bow Changes

Everyone in reddit is all up in arms about the bow changes I introduced (without trying them I might add) so let me fill you all in on what I changed and why:

  • Bow repeat rate is slightly slower.
  • Bow has a little more aim sway.
  • Headshots with the bow score 120% damage instead of 300% damage.
  • Crossbow fires arrows with a much faster velocity (50% bonus instead of 20%).
  • HV arrows are ‘thinner’ vs wood arrows (need to be more accurate with them).

I did these changes because the bow had some of the highest DPS in the game, was the easiest weapon to obtain, and you could one shot a fully armed player with it. This was wrong. And, believe it or not, Rust is not ruined because of this change. Some people said their go to strategy was hunting fully geared players with a bow. Well you can still do that, you just have to hit them twice instead of once, so if you’re good it shouldn’t be a problem. And if that’s too hard for you then I guess you were getting lucky, which is exactly why I made these changes. It’s still just as deadly in every other way, and will take out a naked with one shot center mass.

Small Stash

I’ve added this back into the game. It’s a very small storage container for early players who can’t yet build a base, but still want to keep their stuff safe. It’s a default blueprint too! Place it on terrain and put your stuff in it. There is a menu option to bury it. Once buried, it is completely invisible to everyone (including you) it’s only revealed if someone is within 2 meters of it and looks directly at it for several seconds.


Next Week

I have one or two more tasks relating to endgamers, and then I think it’s about time to give the early game a lot more love. I’ll be doing what I can in this department.


You know how you’re all bitching about optimization? ‘When are we gonna optimize the game? I wish the game was optimized. You should take a week off and optimize the game.’ Well that’s what we’ve been doing, so don’t bitch and moan that you don’t have anything new to play with.

Garbage Collection

I’ve been continuing my work on reducing the amount of garbage we create. I’ve mainly been focusing on the server for this, but these benefits apply to the client too.

To send network messages between the client and server we use protocol buffers. We use this library, which we found to be the cleanest and fastest available at the time. It does create a lot of garbage though. By this I mean it creates a lot of new classes without reusing them. So I’ve been going through and finding different ways to do things, changed a few classes to structs, pooling a bunch of objects, avoiding foreach, avoiding new byte[]’s, avoiding creating BinaryWriters where possible. And the tl;dr is, it’s now totally garbage free writing, and reading only creates new objects when reading a string (I couldn’t get past that).

This saves us from between a few kb’s up to a few mb’s of garbage every FRAME. This makes garbage collection a lot rarer, which means that the server doesn’t stop responding every 20 seconds for 1.5 seconds while it collects it all.


Another server performance issue were saves. Every 5 minutes the server saves its state, so if it crashes or restarts it can carry on pretty much where it stopped off. This is fine in the early days of a server, but once you approach having 200,000 entities, it starts to take a long time. Between 4 and 5 seconds generally.

During this 5 seconds you’re running along as a player, other objects are stopped in place (helicopter, plane), and then when the server starts to respond again you’re zapped back to where you were 5 seconds ago. Fucking terrible.

So with a bunch of caching, the pooling mentioned above, and some cunning, I got this down in my tests from 5 seconds, to 0.1 seconds. Which is still a little blip – so the auto saves are now every 10 minutes instead of every 5.



Andre Prefab Pooling

This is something we’ve been planning to do for a very long time but never have. Creating and destroying objects is a fairly expensive operation in game development in general and especially so in Unity. Not only does instantiating an object lead to relatively huge memory allocations, which have to be garbage collected when the object is destroyed, but it’s also simply a pretty slow operation in itself.

In this first iteration I added support for effects, decals, dynamic decor, building blocks and sounds. All of those have been spamming objects under the assumption that one day it won’t matter too much since we’re going to pool those instantiates and get rid of the overhead of those systems all at once.

What this means for you is less stuttering since fewer garbage collections have to be done and higher frame rates since the slow instantiate operations don’t have to be done at all as long as the pool contains game objects that can be recycled.

Grass Optimizations

Since the game is finally in a pretty good state in terms of memory allocations things that used to be fairly minor compared to the big problem areas are now turning into the new, albeit less extreme, problem areas. Grass is such a system, and since Unity just recently added new overloads to rebuild meshes with a low memory overhead, I was able to significantly reduce the dynamic memory allocations when rebuilding grass meshes. Together with prefab pooling in the other systems this really made a difference.

Cliff LODs

There was a problem with the cliff mesh LOD setup that caused them to be rendered at full quality at any distance. This probably affected performance in a negative way fairly significantly for some of you and is now fixed.

Other Stuff

  • Fixed arrows being almost impossible to fire through window bars.
  • Fixed crash in status console command.
  • Fixed building stability issues caused by collider batching.
  • Fixed entity collision event not resolving batched colliders.
  • Fixed water level test for entities with zero bounds.
  • Fixed terrain alpha cutoff range being too far away.
  • Added pooling support to all LOD components.
  • Added AssetPool (memory pool that’s optimized for Unity assets).
  • Updated CraggyIsland (dev test map).
Next Week

After weeks of mostly focusing on optimizations and back end work I’m hoping to return to working on some new map related features this month.


I revisited the holo sight model as it had some issues with the dents looking a bit off. It’s almost ready to go in game as I just need to tweak the texture a bit more.


I added some more wear-and-tear to the red dot add-on model. It’s almost ready, too.


I made the rail pieces that the add-ons will act as an intermediary between the add-on and the guns they’re attached to.


Next Week

I’ll finish up the textures for the holo sight/red dot and start working on the low-poly versions of the flashlight/laser-sight/silencer add-ons.


I’m back from vacation this week, and I had some gate related tasks to take care of. There’s nothing to show for this really, as most of the work I have done the last four days has been pretty invisible, but will pay off in the future.

It involved redoing things that already existed, such as animations for gates and player building doors, having them use bespoke animations as opposed to the procedural ones used so far. We also have all doors and gates sharing a same hierarchy and pool of anims, which will pave the way to easy updates and skins for them in the future. After this some more gibs, small tasks here and there. Expect the gates and doors animation stuff in for next patch.

Unfortunately I’m not pushing the dungeon branch into main for this patch as the dungeons will still need some love when Andre’s terrain features arrive. It is very likely to be for the next wipe cycle.

Next Week

I have a few leads regarding gates skins I can explore, as well as player building block skins (think wallpapers). These things should give me some buffer until I’m back working on dungeons.


More progress on the AK47. There’s some still some tweaks to do but here it is so far (there’s an extra mag in the shot, but ignore that).


The extra UV space is super awesome and it will benefit people who are making there own skins for the AK that’s already in the game. I’ll create a tutorial on how to transfer old skins onto the new mesh, but nevertheless I’m excited to see new skins you guys decide to come up with. I’ve also started the LODs for the female character considering all that I’m doing now is tweaking texture maps.

Next Week

Finalise the texture for the female and transfer the LODs over to the new AK.

Alex Rehberg

Unity uses a linear scale for volume, but humans perceive sound volumes in a logarithmic scale, so if you take a sound in unity and turn the volume down half way, it doesn’t actually sound like it’s been turned down half way. This is a little lame because the volume sliders in the editor are dominated by louder levels. It’s a lot lame because when we fade sounds in and out, they spend less time at the lower volumes, which makes the fades sound too abrupt. I spent some time this week fixing that. Transitions between different ambiences will sound smoother now, and so will all of the distance crossfades. The helicopter propellers will probably be the easiest place to hear this change right now.

I’ve started adding pooling to the sound system and fixed some bugs that arose from recycling sound objects. All the prefabs that we spawn to play sounds should be pooled now. There’s still some room for improvement here so I’ll be trying to reduce the sound system’s GC contributions more next week.

I also

  • Finished up a first pass at wooden and metal door impact sounds
  • Finished a first pass at thunder sounds
  • Increased the distance the rocket flight sound is audible from
  • Toned down the heartbeat that plays when you’re wounded
  • Made some tweaks to the bush rustling sounds
  • Adjusted the gunshot and explosion volume ducking a little bit
  • Re-setup third-person reload sounds
  • Made the reverb tail wander calm down shortly after the shot so it doesn’t sound so bouncy and ridiculous if there’s more than one or two gunshots going off at once
  • Made a few small tweaks to our audio mixer
  • Started working on open/close sounds for the large compound gates (fun!)
  • Started working on bullet ricochet sounds
Next Week

Next week I’ll be spending a bit of time reducing GC in the sound system and finishing up the sounds I started working on this week. I also want to spend some time exploring Unity’s Native Audio Plugin SDK.


Eat my (customizable) shorts!


Next Week

More gaudy, obnoxious clothing. Also, possibly some new computer hardware for me. That’d be cool.


Tried some sniper scope ideas this week, experimenting with some more unique looking scopes like retro fitted telescope, glass bottle (bit of game logic with this one; I’m not sure 100% would work, but it looks cool), and mounted magnifying lenses. There’s also some designs that just have a cool look to them but are made from more DIY type parts: copper piping, pipe clips, cloth binding, etc. I tried to keep the attachment point pretty simple, with either a simple metal plate or just a bolt so you could stick them onto any gun and have some sort of believable way they’d stick on, letting you make some crazy p250 silenced sniper beast gun or something similar


Next Week

Add-ons, add-ons, add-ons!


I just got back from vacation, but I had a little bit of time to work on something Vince asked me to look into: creating some skins for our gate model to give it a little more personality. We want these skins to be able to work on either the stone or the wood gate, so these probably aren’t going to work since the frame of the stone and wood gates are different, but I’m going to continue on focusing on just the doors and the design of the locking mechanism while borrowing some elements from these initial designs.


Next Week

After I’m done with the gate skins, I really want to get back to the abandoned military tunnels.


A SavasIsland_koth update I made some time ago goes live this patch. The most notable change is that you can no longer build right over the construction hut, and that there is now a way for hill owners to clear existing building parts, thanks to a new rapid-spawn C4 platform that defenders can and should build around and fortify. Hopefully this means hill bases will stop growing out of control like a uncontrollable tumour.

I also made an updated map because some people are still really confused by the map:


It is worth noting that you can get good and bad loot boxes everywhere, but it is far more rare to find a metal crate on the beach than in the dome. Likewise, the only place to get exotic ammo is in the central ammo farm.


Spent the weekend trying to find ways to speed up local reflections and the last few days cleaning up and preparing for the merge. It’s finally time to give up endless tweaking and drop it on the build.


So to recap, here’s a list of changes introduced with Water 2.5:

  • Local reflections on all water surfaces.
  • Rivers using new water shader.
  • Fixed a bunch of long-standing bugs.
  • Cleaned runtime memory allocations.
Next Week

Fixing any bugs that may show up due to new water code. Likely some more water tweaks. Native code updates to get rid of some Unity 5.2 warnings.


I’ve been looking into reworking the male character model. I’ve mostly been balancing out proportions on the body and everything’s still really loose while we iterate. This is the progress, from left-to-right.


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