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ChangeLog версии 6.52d: исправлен баг.


Дружно ищем баг в 6.52c , ибо она еще пользуется огромным спросом, а народ не переходит на версию 6.52d, ибо считает, что качать ради одного исправления - кощунство :blink:


ЗЫ: Айсфрог устверждает, что версия 6.53 и ее переводы на русский, корейский и японский языки уже готовы и увидят свет в ближайшем будущем. Что изменилось в версии 6.53, пока достоверно не известно, а обновление для 6.52d внушает опасения, что автор мечтает сделать ее новой стабильной версией.

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ChangeLog версии 6.52d: исправлен баг.


Дружно ищем баг в 6.52c , ибо она еще пользуется огромным спросом, а народ не переходит на версию 6.52d, ибо считает, что качать ради одного исправления - кощунство :blink:

Это случайно не баг с медведем?(дюп вещей?) Или это было в 51ых версиях >_<

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  • 2 недели спустя...
Changelog for map version 6.53


* Added a new Sentinel Hero (Goblin Clockwerk)

* Localized script text to allow cross-language compatibility

* Completely reworked and improved the way RD hero picking is done

* Imported a temporary rune model to replace the default one until the death animation in 1.22 is fixed (thanks PGRu-Unexpect3D)

* Reworked Lycanthrope a bit


* Removed the "undroppable while in cooldown" mechanism added a long time ago to prevent item abuses. This mechanism is no longer needed as of Warcraft patch 1.22

* Improved Fire Panda's movement speed per level

* Observers and replays now see a $ symbol above a dying creep when a player gets gold for killing a unit

* Improved Drow's Marksmanship slightly

* Increase AOE on Dispersion

* Lowered Soul Keeper's base movement speed and increased cast point

* Improved Stifling Dagger

* Improved Open Wounds a little

* Decreased Mana Void's cooldown

* Lowered Infest manacost


* Fixed a minor bug with the order of the heal and damage operation on Purification when combine with Aphotic Shield on a nearby enemy

* Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Haunt

* Fixed a bug with Song of the Siren and Berserker's Call

* Fixed a bug with selling Aghanim's Scepter

* Fixed a minor bug with Soul Assumption and buying items

* Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Strygwyr's Thirst

* Fixed Berserker's Call interaction with Neutrals at night

* Fixed Stout Shield hotkey conflicting with Kelen's Dagger in the Goblin Shop

* Fixed a bug with Shackles and Berserker's Call

* Fixed a bug with Magic Immunity and Sand Storm

* Fixed Mana Leak to not trigger off of Exort/Quas/Wex

* Fixed -ah for observers


* Added Tavern colors (218144)

* Added a new blink animation for Antimage

* Improved Magic Missile cast effect (170262)

* Added a visual effect for when Dispersion is damaging units

* Improved Shapeshift animation (186555)

* Improved Chaos Knight's Blink Strike cast effect (222605)

* Added new icon for Ethereal Jaunt (227376)

* Added a visual effect when Necrolyte regains mana with Sadist

* Swapped icon positions of Sange and Yasha in the recipe shop

* Added a new Balanar hero story (by Grujah.Noob)

* Added a new Lina Inverse hero story (by Wyvernoid)

* Added a new Medusa hero story (by Inferno[DK])

* Added a new Sand King hero story(by Yousuckatdota)

* Added a new Shadow Priest hero story (by miel09)

* Added a new Warlock hero story (by Inferno[DK])



This version marks the first official simultaneous multi-lingual release. The first round of translated languages includes Russian, Korean and Chinese. More will be added over time. I'd like to thank Danat and DonTomaso for their dedication and support to this project. This would not have been possible without their contributions. Thanks to the following translators for their work as well: Aschen, Heintje, Etc., RiiNoA, zhangx05053, Sodoes, NightMare, Attly, c.lucifer, Orange_soso, Kua, Kaka, Sprite93, Danat, Vizakenjack, Lego-, Magot, PeaceHeaver, ill-Lich, Kariy, ptizza, Vanger, John Doe, CuPaKy3, Johny



The main feature of these translations, aside from being translated of course, is that the maps are compatible with each other. That means, I can have only the English version on my computer and then join a game where the host is using the Russian map without needing to download it. The Russian players will see the language of the map they downloaded, and I will see my own language. The core game code is what is used to authenticate the map as official and the strings are externalized from this. The same is true for replays. You can watch any 6.53 replay, regardless of the original language, using only your one map. This will make sharing replays worldwide a seamless process.


Клокверк, имхо, пока в состоянии имбы :)

Хотя вчера видел, что даже им можно играть из ряда вон плохо - чел не осиливал понять, что делает его ульт, нах нужны министаны и когда надо юзать сетку.

А в сетке клокверка фиг выделишь - эт западло для скиллармовцев ))

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Скачал карту посмотрел что к чему, правда пока с людьми не пробывал.. Чар очень удивил, думал опять забацает какуй нить хню, ан нет. Быстрый силовик(мс стандартная 310 вродь), с быстро откатывающимися скилами и маленьким манакостом. Нюкерам будет тяжко.. немного не понял как работает 2.. откалкивает и выжигает ману?

П.С. Все уберство героя проявляеться на втф)) Кидает докуя первых на себя, а дальше ульт)

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Второй скилл хоть и отталкивает и выжигает ману - это полбеды :) Она означает лишь то, что не-блинкеры не смогут прийти на помощь оказавшемуся в цепких лапах клокверка герою.

Второй скилл может запереть любого, кто окажется рядом с гоблином - и это кака. Ибо если не направить мышкой атаку на гоблина, герой начинает дубасить клетку, а клокверк дубасит героя. При этом выделить клокверка, когда он сидит в клетке, очень сложно из-за его маленьких размеров - опять-таки попадание мышкой в клетку и еще большее усугубление положения.


В комплекте с ультом второй скилл становится страшным оружием клокверка в массовках: подлет с министаном на врага -> сетка. "Заарканенный" оказывается в замешательстве и дубасит стенку, клокверк дубасит героя, но это еще не всё!

Все герои противника поблизости, отталкиваются от сетки и теряют ману. А если вокруг этих героев крипы и герои, союзные клокверку, то они не далеко оттолкнутся от сетки и будут подвергаться ее действию еще секунды три.


А если клокверк повесил на себя первый скилл, то это не так чтобы добавит проблем врагу, но частые министаны - это всегда неприятно и серьезно мешает делу (=



И, впринципе, ладно - в массовке к клокверку подходить не стоит.

Так и водиночку он тоже доставляет неприятности из-за своей сетки и министанов :( И министаны почти все время его спасают от гибели.


В клане уже окрестили клокверка героем-гопником :wall: Взял откуда-то гаечный ключ и пошел семки выколачивать ) Появляется из-за угла, хватает, дубасит и убегает ;)

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Второй скилл хоть и отталкивает и выжигает ману - это полбеды :) Она означает лишь то, что не-блинкеры не смогут прийти на помощь оказавшемуся в цепких лапах клокверка герою.

Второй скилл может запереть любого, кто окажется рядом с гоблином - и это кака. Ибо если не направить мышкой атаку на гоблина, герой начинает дубасить клетку, а клокверк дубасит героя. При этом выделить клокверка, когда он сидит в клетке, очень сложно из-за его маленьких размеров - опять-таки попадание мышкой в клетку и еще большее усугубление положения.


В комплекте с ультом второй скилл становится страшным оружием клокверка в массовках: подлет с министаном на врага -> сетка. "Заарканенный" оказывается в замешательстве и дубасит стенку, клокверк дубасит героя, но это еще не всё!

Все герои противника поблизости, отталкиваются от сетки и теряют ману. А если вокруг этих героев крипы и герои, союзные клокверку, то они не далеко оттолкнутся от сетки и будут подвергаться ее действию еще секунды три.


А если клокверк повесил на себя первый скилл, то это не так чтобы добавит проблем врагу, но частые министаны - это всегда неприятно и серьезно мешает делу (=



И, впринципе, ладно - в массовке к клокверку подходить не стоит.

Так и водиночку он тоже доставляет неприятности из-за своей сетки и министанов :( И министаны почти все время его спасают от гибели.


В клане уже окрестили клокверка героем-гопником :wall: Взял откуда-то гаечный ключ и пошел семки выколачивать ) Появляется из-за угла, хватает, дубасит и убегает ;)

Да ты прав, седня тестил по полной) ИМХО бочки идут оч хорошо с ультиком) ульт без бочек фигня, когда паренек раскачивался через 1 3 ульт и "+" сыграл ппц как отстойно, греб почти ото всех. Кста насчет выделить клоквера в бочках, довольно легко оО Главное шоб руки не трусилися))

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Кста насчет выделить клоквера в бочках, довольно легко оО Главное шоб руки не трусилися))

Я пока тыкаю до клоквера, бочки исчезают )

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Кревед от BuffMePlz!


Новый импорт искуственного интеллекта by RGB в карту 6.53 ENG-версию.

Линк на скачку доступен тут:


Или тупо тут: http://www.mediafire.com/?betyd7ebtug , если по ссылке выше ничего не произойдет.




DotA Allstars 6.53 AI+ 1.52 Revision 01


This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).


It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.




Known bugs with AI:

-Pathing on the top Sentinel lane is still the same as in 6.48b

-AI Sand King will not properly use Epicenter

-AI don't properly react to -nb and -nt modes

-Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game...just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test.


Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:





Additionally, I have added a Fun Tavern in the lower right corner. Currently includes six legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker (6.12b), Old Lifestealer (6.48b), Old Silencer (6.12b), Gambler (6.06), Old Morphling (5.84b), and Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b).


To access the fun tavern, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game.




Rev. 00


-First update to 6.53

-New item system implemented, so all item builds for AI heroes have been changed

-Disabled all AI scripts pertaining to Lanaya, hopefully this should allow players to choose her without crashing the game

-Updated AI Lycan to use new Howl ability

-Fixed timing on AI going to lanes in -rd

-It is now possible to pick heroes from the Fun Tavern when repicking or rechoosing

-Test command -lvlupall can have a number after it to have all heroes level up faster (i.e. "-lvlupall 25")

-Fixed a bug with Viscous Nasal Goo that made it unstackable when cast on AI heroes

-Changed the way gold distribution is coded to hopefully prevent crashes

-AI also get the same gold bonuses as human players in -em now if using -ng

-Updated -unstuck to use the implementation in 6.52

-Changed Eclipse implementation to that of 6.50 (no ministun)

-Changed Wild Axes implementation to that of 6.50

-Changed Land Mines implementation to that of 6.50 (detect floating heroes)

-Changed AI item routine for Deathmatch

-Fixed a small bug with Puck respawning with a slightly smaller model size after dying (heh)


6.53 Port of AI+ and Fun Tavern by BuffMePlz.


В фан-таверне 6 героев из старых версий доты, есть немного эксплоитов, которые проблематично залатать в ближайшее время, для некоторых героев нет AI - это Инвокер, Лайфстилер и Клокверк. Ибо они подверглись изменениям в новой версии доты, а для норм аи нужно разобраться в тонкостях применения их скиллов и билдов.


К тому же Бафф уезжает на неопределенный срок и в ближайшее время у него не будет времени заниматься дальнейшей разработкой.


Итак, новый полигон для тестинга героев и разбирательству с ними вновь открыт! (=

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За всей шумихой нового чара, мы упутили не маловажные изменения) У дровки изменили ульт терь дает он 12/24/36, а вот ликантроп в свзке с блудмазер с её паучками эт жеско) Почему? Ибо у него теперь

25% дмг\атак спид аура - ПО ВСЕЙ КАРТЕ

Howl +44 дмг героям, +11 юнитам - ПО ВСЕЙ КАРТЕ

Ульт ликантропа тоже дает макс МС всем подконтрольным юнитам

Кроме того понизили скорость Тераблейду, теперь она стала 300

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  • 4 недели спустя...

Чейнчлог к 6.54б:



* Added extra dynamic replay data to help replay parsers present in-game data (see below)

* Rebalanced Invoker (see below)

* Reworked Shadow Priest (see below)

* Various changes to Phantom Lancer and Spirit Lance (see below)

* Changes to Aphotic shield and Borrowed Time (see below)


* Improved hero selection process in RD

* Added hotkeys for recipe stores

* Changed Elder Dragon Form MS Bonus from 10/35/60 to a constant 25

* Changed Freezing Field mechanics a bit. The slow now comes from the area rather than the explosions. Changed the distribution method on Freezing Field as well

* First Blood bounty is shared with the team if Sent/Scourge get the last hit

* Untouchable now triggers off being targeted by attacks or spells

* Rewrote Avalanche to fix various minor bugs

* Decreased Inner Vitality cooldown from 30 to 25 seconds

* Lowered Clockwerk's strength gain

* Lowered early damage on Rocket Flare

* Added Internationalized text support for GameScore Board, EndScore Board and Observer Board

* Added extra data to end of replay (Player Gold, Assists, Neutral CS, Items)

* Improved Bloodrage a little

* Lowered base armor on Lycan's Wolves from 5 to 2

* Minor reduction to Clockwerk's base armor

* Rewrote Maledict for some optimizations

* Toss no longer uses manacost/cooldown if you make an invalid cast

* Toss now seeks its target

* You can now only -kickafk allied afk players

* Temporarily undid the movability of items in cooldown while some issues are being fixed

* Phantom Lancer's images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the primary casts it

* Player turn indicator for RD is made clearer

* Added extra orb effect notations to items and abilities (228748)

* Blur visual effect is now applied only to enemies (190092)

* Changed the name and icon for Flask of Sapphire Water (206885)

* Illuminate wave now gives vision (226661)

* Rewrote Devour. It now shows progress bar overhead and doesn't reveal you (217291)

* Sentinel Ancients buildings are now in rooted model form (216494)

* Added a new fun mode -mi(miniheroes) that creates the hereos at half size

* Added a new command to customize water color for local player (-water red, -water blue, -water green or -water default)

* Displayed gold animation for First Blood bounty

* Winners are now displayed in Warcraft's score screen (234657)

* Dummy lineup units in RD now show player name

* Improved Acid Spray visual effect

* Increased Spin Web visual transparency

* Increased the size of the recently added $ symbol for observers and replays

* New Sonic Wave visual effect

* New Maledict visual effect

* New Freezing Field visual effect

* New Black Hole visual effect

* New Spirit Lance visual effect

* New Flask of Sapphire Water visual effect

* New visual effect for units with Poison Nova buff

* New Weave cast visual effect

* Updated Hookshot tooltip

* Fixed a bug with casting March of the Machines on a cliff (DonTomaso)

* Fixed a bug with Feral Heart and swapping or repicking

* Fixed a minor bug with Grow

* Fixed a bug with Infest and Refresher-Necronomicon

* Fixed a bug with Melting Strike on Invoker

* Fixed a bug with Timewalk and Power Cogs

* Fixed a minor bug with Expulsion

* Fixed a rare glitch with Time Walk

* Fixed Armlet typo

* Fixed a rare bug with Borrowed Time where it sometimes doesn't use cooldown when triggered

* Fixed Battle Hunger buff tooltip

* Fixed Bottle activating Mana Leak

* Fixed Enchant on neutral creeps with initially reduced mana

* Fixed Feral Heart buff level tooltip

* Fixed -fs text bug introduce last version

* Fixed -kickafk warning text not showing up

* Fixed some issues with Hookshotting someone near trees

* Fixed some targetting bugs with Lucifer

* Fixed Stifling Dagger not working properly when it hits a fogged unit

* Fixed various other tooltip errors



++ Invoker Changes:

- Invoke levels at 2/7/12/17 with cooldown from 30/30/15/5 to 30/25/12/5 and manacost from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110

- Sunstrike: cooldown 60->30, manacost 250->175

- Deafening Blast: cooldown 25->40

- Chaos Meteor: cooldown 30->70

- Forge Spirit: cooldown 70->30, manacost 200->75, casting with ones already on field kills old ones. Improved visual look slightly. If both elements are level 4 or higher, double spawn.

- Tornado: Airtime from 0.4/0.7/1.0/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 -> 0.6/0.85/1.1/1.35/1.6/1.85/2.2 Same final damage, 120 starting damage instead of 190

- Alacrity: Is now WWE, cooldown 20->15 Duration 5->6, manacost 125->50, Original IAS: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160. New IAS: 30/40/50/60/70/80/90. It now gives damage as well: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80.

- EMP: changed to pure Wex ability, WWW. 0.5 HP lost for each mana drained. Tweaked various other aspects such as cast range and manacost.

- Ice Wall: Rescaled duration from 4->10 to 3->12. Improved Exort based damage from 5/10/15/20/25/30/35 to 6/12/18/24/30/36/42


++ Shadow Priest:

- Changed Shallow Grave completely. It is now a basic ability

- Changed how Weave works. It is now an ultimate

- Reduced Shadow Priest's cast point

- Shadow Wave can now bounce back to you at the last wave if you are in range. Also added an extra bounce at level 3 and 4


++ Phantom Lancer:

- Reworked Spirit Lance

- Phantom Lancer images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the real one casts it

- Lowered Doppelwalk invisibility duration from 12 to 8

- Increased and Standardized all Phantom Lancer images' percentage of damage taken

- Lowered maximum image count


++ Abaddon:

- Improved how Borrowed Time works and increased cooldown

- Reworked Aphotic Shield stats


++ New real-time replay data:

- When a hero dies: Hero<d>,<k> where d=dead player id and k=kill player id

- When a chicken dies: Courier<d>,<k> where d=dead player id and k=kill player id

- When tower dies: Tower<a><l><s>,<k> where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) l=level (1,2,3,4) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) and k=kill player id. for level 4 towers, s=1

- When rax dies: rax<a><s><t>,<k> where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) t=rax type (0,1 0=melee, 1=range) k=kill player id

- When Throne gets hurt: Frozen Throne,<p> where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)

- When Tree gets hurt: World Tree,<p> where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)

- When a player gets disconnected: CK<k>D<d>N<n>,<p> where k=creep kills, d=creep denies, n=neutral kills, p=player id of leaver




6.54b: Fixed an exploit with Borrowed Time

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  • 3 недели спустя...

Таки новый кревед от BuffMePlz-а!


Dota AllStars v6.54b with port of RGB's AI+ v1.52

Revision 2







DotA Allstars 6.54b AI+ 1.52 Revision 02


This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).


It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.




Known bugs with AI:

-Pathing on the top Sentinel lane is still the same as in 6.48b

-AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes

-Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game...just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test

-Lanaya may crash your game if you use her, depending on how lucky you are


Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:




-rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)


Additionally, I have added two Fun Taverns in the lower right corner. Currently includes nine legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker (6.12b), Old Lifestealer (6.48b), Old Silencer (6.12b), Gambler (6.06), Old Morphling (5.84b), Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b), Old Pudge (5.51), Old Chen (5.64), Old Medusa (5.84b), Void Demon (3.0d), Rider (5.72), God of Wind (6.01), Flame Lord (5.51), and Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b).


To access the fun taverns, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game. Note that Fun Tavern heroes do not have AI scripts and will not buy items or use/learn skills.



Rev. 02


-Fixed a bug with AI Morphling using Morph non-stop

-Fixed a bug with Wall of Replica not properly creating hero images for AI Dark Seer

-Fixed the spell graphic for Illusory Orb

-Fixed Battle Hunger bufftip

-Redid Spirit Bear's item-handling script on death

-Implemented a crude fix for AI behaviour at fountain with Empty Bottle, resolving some issues with usage and item purchases

-Updated Inner Vitality to properly work with Fun Tavern heroes

-Rewrote Displace

-Added warning message if player forces AI to pick heroes from Fun Taverns

-Added Old Pudge (5.51) to Fun Tavern (Remade)

-Added Old Chen (5.64) to Fun Tavern (Remade)

-Added Old Medusa (5.84b) to Fun Tavern (Remade)

-Added Flame Lord (5.51) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)

-Added Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)


Rev. 01


-First update to 6.54b

-Fixed the way AI Meepo purchases items with clones

-Fixed Last Word

-Fixed AI bots not learning Last Word (Silencer), Diffusion Aura (Necrolyte), or Command Aura (Vengeful Spirit)

-Fixed Impale affecting Juggernaut during Blade Fury or Omnislash

-Fixed hotkey conflict with learning Degen Aura on Void Demon

-Updated Phantom Lancer AI to properly use new Spirit Lance

-Updated Shadow Priest AI to properly use new Shallow Grave and Weave

-Changed behaviour of Mana Leak to not trigger on Invoker's reagents (as in 6.53) and Bottle (as in 6.54b)

-Changed the way AI Syllabear purchases items with level 4 Spirit Bear

-AI bots will drop muted items when given items by players; in -pm, AI will be unable to receive items from players

-AI bots can now properly buy, use, and sell Bottles

-Changed the way Lucky Stars looks and behaves to better reflect how it did in 6.06

-Changed the scaling on Mass Haste for levelling so that it's less...stupid

-Changed AI item builds for Viper, Priestess of the Moon, Queen of Pain, Nevermore, Vengeful Spirit, Troll, Dirge, Omniknight, Chaos Knight, and Morphling

-Restored Lanaya's AI, because it doesn't seem to make a difference on crashes

-Added warning message for when player or computer picks Lanaya; bots should not pick Lanaya unless through -ar or -tr

-Added new command -oldinvokelist, which replaces the Old Invoker spell list in the quest menu

-Separated the Fun Tavern into two separate ones for Remade heroes and Extinct heroes

-Added God of Wind (6.01) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)


6.54b Port of AI+ and -fun content by BuffMePlz.


Special thanks:


Tenshinhan DN









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Добавил карту "999 уровней".

Предполагается, что в ней изменили только количество уровней, которые доступны героям.

Но... меня смущает изменившийся черезчур размер карты.

Вобщем, на любителей острых ощущений в общении с крякнутыми версиями =)

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Ниче такой чейндж лог у 55-ой стал )))





* Added a new hero (Windrunner)

* Added a new hero (Admiral Proudmoore)

* Added a new item (Magic Stick,239688)

* Added a new item (Dust of Appearance)

* Added a new item (Phase Boots)

* Added a new item (Glyph of Fortification)


* New Loading Screen

* Redesigned and improved Sentinel and Scourge bases as well as nearby terrain

* Added a new game mode (-captainsmode/-cm)

* Rewrote creep/neutral/powerup spawn systems. The game timer now counts down to 0, at which point the creeps and powerups spawn. 30 seconds later the neutrals spawn. This behavior is the same as various popular modes, but it is now standardized to the entire game with the new clock. All game events are based off of this time rather than an arbitrary time based on the mode you used.

* Lots of various performance improvements and fixes


* Reworked Keeper of the Light

* Various changes to Enchantress's abilities

* Reworked Bounty Hunter's Track

* Rebalanced Insatiable Hunger

* Reduced vision aoe on Spin Webs and tweaked cooldown and manacost progression

* Minor improvements to Anti-Mage's base stats

* Tweaked Blur evasion chance per level

* Reworked Call of the Wild stats and mechanics

* Decreased Watcher's vision a little bit

* Increased Rhasta's movement speed a bit

* Improved Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura a bit

* Minor improvement to early levels of Bloodbath

* Increased Spirit Lance cast range a bit

* Improved Sven's Agility gain

* Increased Sand King's armor a bit

* Changed SA's Blink Strike to move him behind the target(231470)

* Lowered Chaos Meteor cooldown from 70 to 55

* Rebalanced Haunt cooldown (150/120/90 -> 120)

* Improved how the manacost scales on Crippling Fear

* Improved level 2 and 3 manacost and regen on Death Pact

* Improved Psionic Trap's cooldown progression

* Nerfed the duration on Battery Assault

* Increased Hookshot cooldown

* Quill Spray manacost no longer goes up per level

* Decreased day vision on Visage's Revenants by 400

* Removed magic immunity from level 3 Revenants and added improved magic resistance

* Improved movement speed of the ghosts on Exorcism a bit

* Undid previous damage return threshold change on Exorcism

* Increased Death Prophet's base strength a bit

* Added an extra arrow to Medusa's Split Shot

* Rescaled Medusa's Purge cooldown from 12/11/10 to 12/10/8 seconds

* Reduced Chronosphere cooldown

* Ravage AOE decreased for level 1 and 2

* Decreased Guardian Angel AOE and duration a bit


* Changed how Scroll of Town Portal works

* Reworked Black King Bar

* Rebalanced Sange, Yasha, and Sange and Yasha

* Changed Lothar's Edge Recipe

* Changed Diffusal Blade Recipe

* Changed Maelstrom Recipe

* Aegis now respawns you where you died with full hp and mana but is undroppable and unstackable. Roshan takes it back when he respawns if it is unused

* The game now announces who acquires Aegis

* Increased Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse cooldown

* Tweaked Manta Style

* Reduced Kelen's Dagger cooldown from 30 to 15 seconds

* Kelen's Dagger now only triggers on player controlled damage

* Changed Max Stock on Observer Wards to 2

* Decreased Sentry Ward's truesight range

* Couriers can no longer place wards

* Blades of Attack price reduction (650->500)

* Chainmail price reduction (620->550)

* Gloves of Haste price reduction (550->500)

* Increased Armlet recipe cost by the same amount Blades of Attack and Gloves of Haste were reduced

* Increased Power Treads recipe cost by the same amount Gloves of Haste was reduced

* Increased Vanguard hitpoints by 50

* Increased Boots of Travel movement speed by 5

* Boots of Travel now takes the same time as scrolls teleport (4->3 seconds)

* Increased Heart's regeneration rate from 11 to 15

* Added Scroll of Town Portal to Goblin Shop replacing Javelin

* Added Ring of Regeneration to Goblin Shop replacing Hyperstone

* Added Magic Stick to Goblin Shop replacing Gloves of Haste

* Rebalanced tangos to come in batches of 3 (same overall regen per pack)


* When there is only 1 Assist to a Sentinel or Scourge kill, the kill is

instead given to that hero. When there are multiple assists to a Sentinel or

Scourge kill, the gold is split amongst those assisters rather than the

entire team

* Changed First Blood to be given to the Assist players when creeps kill the

hero rather than giving it to Sentinel or Scourge and splitting

* Tower gold is split if Sentinel or Scourge gets the last hit

* Denied towers give 50% team gold rather than 0%.

* Changed and standardized the bounty values on all structures

* Slight adjustments to gold bounty variance on Sentinel and Scourge creeps

* Global team tower bounty increases a little per tower level

* Roshan now gradually becomes stronger over time instead of after death

* Increased Hero Kill Experience bonus a little bit (+8 unshared experience per hero level in an area)

* Hero Kills now give a flat gold bounty in an area (+40, not to killer)


* You can now purchase items in your base without a courier (they drop to the floor)

* Improved image compression used in the map (243150)

* Added a new command -quote # that plays a hero quote, -quote random will play a random hero quote. The quote entry method will be improved when more heroes are added. It has Witch Doctor, Nightstalker, Alchemist, Silencer, Sniper and Rhasta right now, i will add more over time

* Changed the Goblin Shops terrain a bit and increase the shop aoe

* Buyback is now done at your Circle of Power

* Shops can be added to control groups

* Added new flavor texts to some items (Magical Bottle, Refresher Orb, Eye of Skadi, Blade Mail, Gem of True Sight, Null Talisman, Staff of Wizardry, Scroll of Town Portal, Belt of Giant Strength, Point Booster, Energy Booster, Vitality Booster, Soul Booster and Tangos)

* Fixed an old Viper Strike glitch

* Reduced extra damage taken by Rune Illusions

* Added a new command to swap items (-itemswap x y where x and y correspond to numbpad location) inventory slots primarily for when dealing with undroppable items or items in cooldown

* Fixed some bugs with -kickafk

* Changed Sentinel consumable shop model

* Couriers now have a "Drop All Items" ability

* Added a buff indicator for Blur

* Added soundsets to the shops for when you select them

* Adjusted Blur's visuals for self/allies

* Changed -SD time to be the same as AP

* Fixed Maledict effect sometimes getting stuck on a hero

* Fixed a potential bug with Devour and Decrepify

* Fixed Illuminate's interaction with Cliffs and units very close to it

* Fixed some performance issues with Nature's Attendants

* Changed the World Tree/Frozen Throne tower models (236560)

* Added an undead crown model to King Leoric (205388)

* Improved Glaives of Wisdom projectile (219546)

* Lots of various terrain fixes and improvements

* Fixed minor bug with Alchemist's starting strength

* Improved Magnus movement animation (189265)

* Added an allied only visual effect to Charge of Darkness (219684)

* Improved Black Hole visual effect

* Added new animation for Night Stalker during the night (213624)

* Renamed the "new" recipe shop

* Added a new command for viewing your Hook Accuracy (-ha)

* Added post creepspawn gametime to replay data for parsers

* Fixed a very minor rounding issue for -ms

* Fixed Blackhole to properly pull Infernal

* Fountain heal range increased by a small amount

* Added a message to show who killed a tower

* Fixed a terrain glitch near the Scourge Secret Shop

* Added a new mode -fastrespawn(-fr) that causes respawns to take half as much time

* Clicking Power Treads no longer interrupts commands

* Removed Crow's mana upgrade capability

* Fixed some targetting issues on the World Tree (PGRu-Unexpect3D)

* Updated King Leoric's story (235450)

* Fixed some performance issues with Freezing Field

* Added Hero ID data to the replay

* Fixed a bug when entering -di before the game mode is entered

* -sc mode now spawns same creeps in the same lane

* Revenants can no longer attack items

* Added a test mode command -trees to respawn all dead trees instantly

* Fixed a bug with Holy Persuation and Infest



Some Item Details:


This is not a full list of changes, see the above changelog for that. These are just some of the changes in more detail.



Blades of Attack:


Blades of Attack 650 -> 500

Dagon recipe unchanged (so total cost is 150 less)

Crystalys recipe unchanged (so total cost is 150 less)

Armlet recipe is 150 more gold



Gloves of Haste:


Gloves of haste 550->500

Midas recipe is unchanged (so total cost is 50 less)

Treads recipe is 50 more gold

Armlet recipe is 50 more gold





Chainmail 620->550

Buckler/Mekansm recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)

Blademail recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)

Assault Cuirass recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)





Gives 50 more hitpoints



Kelen's Dagger:


Only gets disabled from player based damage

Reduced cooldown from 30 to 15 seconds





Ogre Axe (1000)

Broadsword (1200)

Recipe (1600)

18 Damage

10 Strength

85 seconds cooldown

9 seconds

Total: 3800





Ogre Axe(1000)

Mithril Hammer (1610)

Recipe (1300)

24 Damage

10 Strength

80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds cooldown

10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds

Total: 3910




Old TP Scroll:


Only 1 person can target a specific building

Gave massive bonus armor

Gave bonus regardless of casting state

12 second shop cooldown



New TP Scroll:


Any number of people can teleport at the same location at the same time.

You can choose the relative area around the structure that you want to TP


Only allies see the exact position, your enemies see it on the building


Does not give any bonus armor

If structure dies while you are tping, the tp does not force cancel

2 second shop cooldown

Available in Goblin Shops



Old Boots of Travel:


+85 Movement Speed


4 Sec Casting Time

60 Cooldown

75 Manacost


New Boots of Travel:


+90 Movement Speed


3 Sec Casting Time

60 Cooldown

75 Manacost



Old Lothar's Edge:


Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Claymore (1400)

Recipe (650)

+21 Damage

+21 Agility

Wind Walk (Active, 9 duration, 17 cd, 75 manacost, 20% ms bonus)

Total: 4050




New Lothar's Edge:


Mithril Hammer (1610)

Quarterstaff (900)

Scroll (1100)

+38 Damage

+10 Attack Speed

Wind Walk (Active, 9 duration, 20 cd, 75 manacost, 20% ms bonus)

Total: 3610



Old Maelstrom:


Mithri Hammer (1610)

Boots of Elvenskin (450)

Recipe (1300)

Total: 3360



New Maelstrom:


Claymore (1400)

Boots of Elvenskin (450)

Recipe (1400)

Total: 3250



Old Diffusal Blade:


Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Robe of the Magi (450)

Recipe (1550)

+15 Agility

+6 Intelligence

18 Mana Burn

Total: 3000



New Diffusal Blade:


Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Robe of the Magi (450)

Recipe (850)

+25 Agility

+6 Intelligence

20 Mana Burn

Total: 3300






Old Manta:


Diffusal Blade (3000)

Vitality Booster (1100)

Recipe (1400)

+23 Agility

+6 Intelligence

+250 HP

36 Mana Burn

Total: 5500



New Manta:


Diffusal Blade (3300)

Vitality Booster (1100)

Recipe (1400)

+30 Agility

+6 Intelligence

+250 HP

40 Mana Burn

Total: 5800



Old Sange:


16 Strength

10% Maim (10% ms slow for 6 seconds)

10 Damage

Ogre Axe (1000)

Belt of Giant Strength (450)

Recipe (800)

Total: 2250



New Sange:


16 Strength

15% Maim (20% ms slow for 4 seconds)

10 Damage

Ogre Axe (1000)

Belt of Giant Strength (450)

Recipe (800)

Total: 2250



Old Yasha:


16 Agility

10% Attack Speed

10% Movement Speed

Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Boots of Elvenskin (450)

Recipe (800)

Total: 2250



New Yasha:


16 Agility

15% Attack Speed

10% Movement Speed

Blades of Alacrity (1000)

Boots of Elvenskin (450)

Recipe (800)

Total: 2250



Old Sange and Yasha:


16 Strength

16 Agility

15% Maim (30% ms slow for 6 seconds)

15% Attack Speed

15 Damage

15% Movement Speed

Sange (2250)

Yasha (2250)

Recipe: 800

Total: 5300



New Sange and Yasha:


16 Strength

16 Agility

15% Maim (30% ms slow, 15% as slow for 4 seconds)

15% Attack Speed

12 Damage

12% Movement Speed

Sange (2250)

Yasha (2250)

Recipe (500)

Total: 5000


MS bonus does not stack with Yasha





Old Sentry Wards:


Vision: 200

Truesight: 1100

Cost: 200

Charges: 2

Lasts 6 minutes



New Sentry Wards:


Vision: 200

Truesight: 700

Cost: 200

Charges: 2

Lasts 3 minutes




Old Observer Wards:


Vision: 1600

Cost: 200

Charges: 2

Lasts 6 minutes

Max Stock: 3

Stock Cooldown: 6 minutes



New Observer Wards:


Vision: 1600

Cost: 200

Charges: 2

Lasts 6 minutes

Max Stock: 2

Stock Cooldown: 6 minutes



Dust of Appearance:


2 charge consumable. Does not stack in inventory.

Places a buff on nearby enemy units (1250 aoe). Only affects heroes (not

wards). While you have the dust of appearance buff, invisibility will have

no effect. This does not mean you are tracked, you aren't visible to enemy

if you are fogged. It just prevents invisibility.

Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD

190 Gold




Magic Stick:


Cost: 210 Gold

Energy Charge (Does not stack)

When enemy or ally (not self) casts a spell around you (1400), you gain 1

charge. Maximum 12 charges. When you cast the item, you instantly regenerate

12 hp and 12 mana for each charge.

This does not trigger off of non-spells or attack orbs



Phase Boots:


70 Movement Speed

+7 Armor

+16 Damage

Phase (Active, 5 duration 10 cd):

Gives no collision with units

10% movement increase

Casting spells or items dispells phase


Boots of Speed (500)

Blades of Attack (500)

Chainmail (610)

Total: 1610





Glyph of Fortification:


Consumable Item - Instant cast, does not go to inventory.

Cost: None

Cooldown: 6 Minutes

Stock Max: 1


Gives Old TP Scroll style bonus armor to all allied buildings for 4 seconds.






Some Hero Details:


This is not a full list of changes, see the above changelog for that. These

are just some of the changes in more detail.



++ Keeper of the Light




It now gives vision gradually as it grows in the area it is "illuminating"

rather than at the end.

Fixed Illuminate's interaction with Cliffs and units very close to it



Mana Leak:


In short, a mana rupture. The numbers are 0.035/0.04/0.045/0.050% of total

manapool drained per unit moved. So, if the target moves 700 units, at level

1 it loses 24.5% of total mana pool.. at level 4 it loses 35% of its total

mana pool. Duration of the buff is 5/6/7/8


If the target runs out of mana, the effect stops and the target is stunned

for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.


Cast Range: 1200

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Manacost: 75





Increased cast range(500->900), lowered cooldown a bit(19->19/18/17/16

seconds), rescaled manacost (40/80/100/120->40/55/70/85), removed the damage

bonus and minor health regen.


Spirit Form:


Morphs into a new unit, same stats/items as kotl. Gives him extra abilities.

He has ALL his abilities in this new form.


Manacost: 100

Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds

Duration: 40 seconds



Blinding Light:

-Targets a 650 aoe. Causes units in the targetted area become blinded,

causing them to miss 80% of attacks for some time. Knocks back units 250

distance over 0.4 seconds.

-Cast Range: 600

-Mancost: 50 Manacost

-Cooldown: 20 seconds

-Duration: 3/4/5 seconds




-Teleports an allied hero to you after 5/4/3 seconds. If the unit takes

player based damage in this period, the effect ends.

-Mancost: 100

-Cooldown: 40



-Causes illuminate to self charge when cast in spirit form. You can

discharge it by clicking on a temporary replacement icon that appears in

your ability card.




++ Enchantress




It now is a normal skill and scales 30/50/70/90% from 50/70/90%




Creep control duration reduced from 120 to 80 seconds.




This is now the ultimate. Bonus Damage 15%/20%/25%, Manacost is 55/60/65 and

Cooldown is 0 seconds on all levels. As an ultimate it now pierces magic





++ Bounty Hunter





The movement bonus is now given in an area around the tracked unit to all

allied units. The bonus bounty is given to bounty hunter as long as the

target dies while under the buff, the killer is not a factor. See tooltip

for more data. Costs 50 mana all levels.



++ Broodmother




Reduced vision

Cooldown from 90/75/60/45 to 90/70/50/30 seconds

Manacost from 140 to 50



Insatiable Hunger:


Was 60/75/90 bonus damage with 40/60/80% lifesteal for 20 seconds

Now 60/80/100 bonus damage with 40/55/70% lifesteal for 12 seconds



++ Beast Master


Call Of The Wild:


Greater Hawk:

No permanent invisibility. Has an active invisibility: duration 5 seconds 1

second fadetime, 30 cooldown

25 -> 200 hp

100 -> 40 bounty

280 -> 400 ms


Greater Quillbeast 700 -> 500 hp

Cooldown: 45/50/55/60 -> 40 seconds

Duration: 60/70/80/90 -> 60 seconds




Captains Mode:



Blue and Pink are the team captains. A random side starts the process(you

can customize this, see below)


Ban Time: 40

Pick Time: 60

Extra Time: 45


You start by alternating 1/1/1 in the ban phase. Each captain removes up to

4 heroes. Running out of time does not result in a random hero ban.


After that you enter the 1/2/2/ pick phase. Each captain picks the heroes

his team will use.


If at any time you run out of time, you start to use up your extra time. If

you run out and you are in pick phase, you get a random hero.


Creeps spawn 90 seconds after the pick draft phase is over. Right after the

hero pick phase ends, the 5 heroes for your team are presented with a

checkmark on them (RD style) allowing players on your team to pick which one

they want to be.


The captain that starts this process is random. If you want to give the

starting to Sentinel, type -cm 1 or -cm 2 for Scourge after the game mode is



The picks, bans, timers, etc are all presented in a board for easy viewing

by team mates and observers.

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    • Mayron
      Ассортимент на 18-19 января 2025 года: Предложение действительно до 15:00 (МСК) 20 января 2025 года.
    • Mayron
      Ассортимент на 18-19 января 2025 года:   • Жеода (аметист)   Geode, Amethyst  :  20 000 g. • Камень душ (великий)   Soul Gem, Grand  :  5 000 g. • Кристалл мага крови (овальный)   Bloodmage Crystal, Oval  :  4 000 g. • Месторождение обсидиана (гладкое)   Obsidian Deposit, Smooth  :  15 000 g.  *New* • Помост (с кристаллом мага крови)   Dais, Bloodmage Crystal  :  100 000 g. • Свечи с голубым пламенем   Blue Flame Candles  :  2 500 g. • Скопление голубых кристаллов   Blue Crystal Cluster  :  10 000 g. • Скопление голубых кристаллов (большое)   Blue Crystal Cluster, Large  :  20 000 g. • Скопление голубых кристаллов (среднее)   Blue Crystal Cluster, Medium  :  10 000 g. • Указатель Хлаалу (Алмсиви)   Hlaalu Path Marker, Almsivi  :  15 000 g. • Фрагменты голубого кристалла   Blue Crystal Fragments  :  8 000 g. Предложение действительно до 15:00 (МСК) 20 января 2025 года.
    • ReyAnd
      Пф-ф-ф! У меня так же через 37 лет, только одного убили, а один вышел в окно после двух войн Как я любил говорить раньше, про нас, когда бухали: "И их осталось трое"
    • Mayron
    • Mayron
    • Mayron
      «"В окопах нет атеистов" — это не аргумент против атеистов, это аргумент против окопов». Писатель Джеймс Морроу
    • antiz
      Вот это поворот:  Черного йумору:  
    • Vozaks
      Пришёл Чебурашка в фирму устраиваться на работу, заходит к директору: - Скажите, у вас Чебурашки работают? - Работают. Чебурашка разворачивается и уходит. Приходит в другую фирму, заходит к директору: - У вас Чебурашки работают? - Не работают. Чебурашка устраивается в эту фирму. Проходит несколько дней. Чебурашка сидит и ничего не делает. Директор спрашивает: - Чебурашка, ты почему не работаешь? - Так вы же сами сказали, что Чебурашки у вас не работают.
    • Vozaks
      Судебный процесс по делу о хищении 10 миллионов рублей. Входит судья видит, что у обвиняемого нет адвоката и спрашивает: — Подсудимый, вы почему без адвоката? Вы что, сами себя защищать будете? — Ваша честь, как только мой адвокат убедился, что это не я присвоил деньги он тут же смылся.
    • Vozaks
      — Повезло тебе с мужем, не кричит, всегда такой молчаливый... — Так ведь четвёртый раз женат. Говорит, что все уже успел сказать бывшим жёнам.
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