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Change log Dota 6.64


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Dota 6.64 - Dota Allstars 6.64 - Dota-Allstars v6.64.w3x Changelogs goes here:





- Spin Web now shows a minimap icon



- Armor decreased by 1


Dark Seer

- Ion Shell cast an already affected unit will replace the old buff instead of stacking

- Wall of Replica damage dealt when affecting an enemy hero increased from 125 to 150

- Wall of Replica image damage increased from 60% to 70%



- Removed the extra vision that remains for 12/18/24 seconds. It now only reveals for a couple of seconds during the cast effect.



- Burning Spears damage rescaled from 6/8/10/12 to 4/8/12/16



- Psionic Trap now adds to your most recently placed trap to your selection panel as a secondary unit



- Vampiric Aura increased from 5/10/15/20% to 10/16/22/28%


Lone Druid

- True Form movement speed decreased by 35

- Hero movement speed increased by 10

- True Form transformation time increased from 1.45 to 2 seconds

- True Form armor increased by 2

- Spirit Bear's leash range reduced from 1500 to 925

- Spirit Bear no longer returns to Syllabear when he attacks out of leash range. Instead the bear will not attack


Lord of Avernus

- Aphotic Shield cast range decreased from 800 to 300

- Death Coil cast range increased from 300 to 800



- Replicate mana cost increased from 0 to 150



- Strength gain increased from 1.5 to 2.0


Nerubian Assassin

- Mana Burn can no longer target creeps since it no longer effects them (42965)


Nerubian Weaver

- Urna Swarm's Scarab's cast mechanism changed. If you cast Infestation while having multiple Scarab selected, only one casts one at a time instead of all of them.


Night Stalker

- Darkness cooldown reduced from 240/180/125 to 180/150/120


Obsidian Destroyer

- Agility increased from 15 + 1.4 -> 24 + 2.0


Pandaren Brewmaster

- Primal Split's Fire Panda now has hero damage type



- Flesh Heap reworked, it no longer gains strength from creeps. Tnstead he gains strength (same values as before, 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8) for any nearby (400 AOE) dying enemy hero. You still get the bonus if the unit dies outside of the aoe if you are the killer.



- Mass Serpent Wards while carrying scepter number of wards no longer increases. Instead, the damage of the wards is increased to match previous damage output.



- Base Intelligence increased from 23 to 26



- Warcry AoE increased from 350 to 450



- Remote mine now adds to your most recently placed mine to your selection panel as a secondary unit



- Kraken Shell reworked, instead of removing buffs in time intervals, buffs are now removed whenever 600 HP is lost from player based damage. The counter is reset whenever you don't take damage for 6 seconds.



- Based strength reduced from 25 to 22

- Intelligence gain reduced from 2.8 to 2.0

- Dying Illusions no longer trigger Plague Aura for regeneration



- Movement speed decreased by 5



- Fixed Upheaval from slowing in the AOE around you rather than at the target AOE as it should




Arcane Ring

- AoE increased from 400 to 600


Armlet of Mordiggian

- Recipe restored to previous version since there is no more recipe conflict. Requires claw and 900 gold recipe instead of quarter staff and 500 gold recipe


Demon Edge

- Damage increased from 36 to 46


Heart of Tarrasque

- Bonus strength increased from 35 to 40

- Regeneration disable time reduced from 10 to 8



- Recipe cost reduced by 50 gold



- Static Charge changed from 45 cooldown to 35


Phase Boots

- Bonuses and recipe reworked


Phase Boots:


Boots of Speed (500)

2x Blades of Attack (1000)

Total: 1500


+70 Movement Speed

+24 Damage

Phase (Active)


Power Treads

- Bonuses and recipe reworked


Power Treads:


Boots of Speed (500)

Boots of Elvenskin or Belt of Giant Strength or Robe of the Magi (450)

Gloves of Haste (500)

Total: 1450


+60 MS

+10 Any Attribute

+25 IAS


Orchid Malevolence

- Increased damage by 5



- Bonus damage fixed on units that morph

- Cooldown reduced from 50 to 35


Gameplay & Cosmetics


* Reworked buyback cost scaling


It uses the following formula:



Roughly the same during the early-midgame, but scales higher as the game progresses.


* Lots of ingame scoreboard improvements


- Removed excess information like game time since it is available above. Condensed some other space.

- Added an allies only column for current gold.

- Added an allies only column for ultimate cooldowns.

- Scoreboard title now displays all player respawn times, grouped in allies and enemy sections, so you can easily see how long someone has to revive without expanding the board manually.


* Slightly increased the regen rate of barracks and towers when they are attacked without nearby creeps/corpses from 40 to 55


* Added colored teleportation effects (allied only) at the target destination to match your player color (infrisios,5153)


* Added a new command -ii (-iteminfo) that displays allied hero items in the scoreboard


* Added a new Forked Lighting Icon, Name (Ether Shock) and visual effect (16523)

* Changed Vengeful Spirit sound set (13425)

* Changed Void's Time Lock visual effect (5793)

* Items that get disabled with damage (Heart & Dagger) are no longer affected by self damage. Roshan damage now disables them.


* Added a new test command "-killwards" to remove all observer and sentry wards on the map

* Added a new Eyes in the Forest icon (46851)

* Added a visual effect for Kraken Shell when buffs are removed

* Added color change visual for Morphling's model based on the ratio of agility to strength

* Added buyback message for observers

* New replay data available





* Fixed bug that prevented Open Wounds from working properly on non-hero units. It can now target regular units.

* Fixed Linken Sphere to properly block Nerubian Assassin's Mana Burn

* Courier's Deliver Items ability now properly exits its logic if you interrupt the courier with a different order (shield and burst don't count)

* Fixed Mjollnir's Static Charge being stackable

* Fixed Proximity Mines not triggering automatically on Scourge Towers like they do on the Sentinel ones

* Fixed a bug with disassembling Mjollnir not giving the recipe

* Fixed Enchant from being able to take over Primal Split units

* Fixed a bug with HCL mode where the game mode could be duplicated resulting in various other weird bugs

* Fixed various typos

* Fixed missing cooldown tooltip to neutral creep Tornado ability

* Fixed Glyph from affecting Tombstone


Good job IceFrog once again for the Dota 6.64, We wish you Good Luck for your future with Valve.

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