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About PvP points


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Basis - PVP combat is differentiated from regular combat by the game engine


Anyone in PVP combat benefits from local PVP kills that they are in combat with.


If you are a healer and you heal someone engaged in PVP combat, you gain the same "point incurence" as dealing % damage to their target. Also, being in the party automatically splits the PVP benefits between you and your group members so long as you both engage in PVP combat, not always against the same player.


When a player dies, PVP points are rewarded based on Level. At equal level, the points gained = your level. For every 1 level below or 1 level above, the points rewarded increases by 10% or decreases by 10%, using the highest level player engaged in the PVP combat to reward points.


50 point at lvl 50 = 1 point per 2.5% health removed (1/2 total), or 2% health healed on an engaged target. This means healers BENEFIT from healing in that they get a higher base point gain over their comrades, and their points are not divided amongst others. The first 25 points again is in correlation to the players health pool - if you are at 20% health when engaged by a player and killed, you only gain 5 points out of this pool. The next 25 points are for the engagement, and is divded amongst all participants up to 25. Healers gain from this, and anyone that participates in the combat benefits from these points.


Heres a pvp scenario -


Elyos Assassin attacks Asmodian Cleric and gladiator. The Assassin dies, and the berserker took down 100% of his health. The cleric healed the gladiator and himself for 30% and 50% respectively. The fight was also 2 v 1, so the damage and healing bonuses are also divided in half. Since they both engaged in combat against the rogue, both gain 12.5 points base. The healer who healed for 80% health total gains 20 more points (1 point per 2% / 2 for being 2 v 1), and the gladiator gains 12.5 points for dealing all the damage (25 for 100% damage / 2 for 2 v 1). The totals are that the cleric gains 32.5 points, and the gladiator gains 25 points.


Healers should gain SLIGHTLY more points for PVPing, because incentive to heal in PVP is so slight, extra benefit for doing so should be in place. This does many things, key of which is it deters zerging other players for mass points, and it highlights soloing multiple people (if the assassin won, he would have dealt 200% damage at x2 bonus and gained a total of 200 points (25 x 2+ 25 x 2 than x2 again), as long as both the cleric and gladiator engaged him at the same time). So PVP favors the underdog while still rewarding significant gain for the healer. And it should be apparant that you would, over time, gain more points play 2 v 1s as a healer / gladiator than a single player, since its hard to beat a healer healing a damage dealer.

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