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Bandits in League of Legends


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Мне вот кажется, что врождённая шизофрения мешает людям адекватно воспринимать реальность, как виртуальную, так и нашу. Сколько играю с рандомами, которые быстрей хватают дд-персонажей, и потом слезливо умоляют взять танка, им никогда не нравился мой пик танка. У них Насус - не танк, Сион -не танк, Мордек - не танк, Мундо - не танк, Чогат - не танк. И меня сильно удиявляет, когда из этих персов делают магов.

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С нубами играть не интересно! С марсом стартовал както ппц какойто!


А у мя щас полоса неудач пошла! Команды ГОМНО такие попадаються аж нет слов!

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* Shadow Dance

o Time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.

o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges.




* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0




* Valkyrie

o Increased the range to 800 from 700.

o Increased the base speed to 650 from 500.


* Missile Barrage

o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of his total attack damage in addition to ability power.

o Time to store a missile is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.

o Time to store next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles stored.

o Corki respawns with 4 missiles.


Dr. Mundo


* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 0.75 from 0.5




* Essence Flux

o Changed the attack speed increase to be additive rather than multiplicative.

o Reduced the cooldown to 9 seconds from 10 seconds.


* Trueshot Barrage

o Increased the AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.8.




* Dark Wind

o Cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14 seconds.


* Drain

o Increased the damage to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160.

o Reduced the cooldown to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10.




* Idol of Durand

o Fixed a bug where Idol of Durand could break a target's Spell Shield or Banshee's Veil and still taunt them.




* H28-G Evolution Turret - Improved AI against enemy champions

o Enemy champions who attack Heimerdinger near an H28-G turret will now become the focus of that turret.

o UPGRADE!!! will now cause all H28-G turrets to focus enemy champions for the duration.




* Empower

o Empower now properly procs Rylai's




* Bouncing Blade

o Reduced the cooldown to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8.


* Killer Instinct

o Reduced the cooldown to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14.




* Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings

* Updated Recommended Items


* Finales Funkeln

o AP ratio increased to .85 from .75




* Ground Slam

o Fixed a bug where Ground Slam would go through spell shields.


* Unstoppable Force

o Fixed a bug where the stun wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.


* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0


Miss Fortune


* Ricochet Shot

o Reduced the damage dealt to the secondary target to 115% from 120.


* Make It Rain

o Reduced the slow duration to 1 second from 1.5 seconds.




* Mace of Spades

o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200, from 20/40/60/80/100

o Now scales off of only bonus Attack Damage, rather than all Attack Damage (so Q doesn't scale with Mordekaiser's level)

o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only finds 1 target

o Cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50

o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser


* Creeping Death


o Increased base damage to 24/38/52/66/80, from 16/32/48/64/80

o Increased AP ratio to 0.2, from 0.15

o Greatly increased missile travel time when casting it on an ally


* Siphon of Destruction

o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245

o AP ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4

o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5, from 6/9/12/15/18


* Children of the Grave


o Spell

+ Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration, up from 24/28/32%

+ Now deals half damage initially and half damage over time

+ Duration increased to 10 seconds, from 8

+ Total AP ratio over the duration increased to 0.04, from 0.016

+ Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield


o Pet

+ The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's Ability Power and Damage at all 3 ranks (from 65/75/85%), and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's AP

+ The pet now gains 15% of Mordekaiser's Health, down from 50%

+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, down from 25%

+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, down from 25%

+ Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors


* Iron Man

o Shield generation increased to 30%, from 25%

o Fixed a tooltip bug (his maximum shield value was always 20 lower than the tooltip showed)


* General

o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%

o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in

o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)

o Reworded/simplified several tooltips




* Defensive Ball Curl

o Reduced the base damage return to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50.

o Fixed a bug where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return.




* Boomerang Blade

o Boomer Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage.


* Increased health per level to 82 from 76.




* Song of Celerity

o Fixed a bug where song of discord was granting more movespeed than intended. (23% decrease)


* Crescendo

o Cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120.




* Noxious Trap

o Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25.

o Noxious Traps show their remaining duration when selected.




* Ambush

o Attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%.




* Tiger Stance

o Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)


Xin Zhao


* General

o Xin'Zhao is now properly considered melee, so he gains full effect from items like Youmuu's Ghostblade and Frozen Mallet.




* Trinity Force stats modified.

o Cost: Unchanged

o +30 Attack Damage (up from 20)

o +30 Ability Power

o +30% Attack Speed (up from 25%)

o +15% Critical Strike (up from 12%)

o +12% Movement Speed

o +250 Mana (down from 300)

o +250 Health (down from 300)


Summoner Spells


* Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind.

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Блин, народ с получением уровня тупеет чтоли, без тимы вообще смысла нет играть, одни дебилы сука, не элементарной тактики, не умения играть, лишь изредка попадаются люди, с которыми можно играть. Толи я такой везучий, что попадаю в команду с тупыми имбицилами.

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