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Important Information Regarding Pirates of the Burning Sea™ Account

Ahoy, Pirates of the Burning Sea Captains!

Population density has been the topic of much debate in the community over the last few months. What we're hearing is that Pirates is an awesome game that you really enjoy playing, but that it's a lot more fun when there's a critical mass of other players around to play alongside or against. Through feedback from the players and evaluation of server populations, it has become clear that key game features require higher density in order to function at optimum levels.

To push things in the right direction, we've decided to condense the current population onto two servers. On March 5, 2010 at approximately 12:01 AM PST, we will close the following servers: Blackbeard, Defiant, and Rackham. Beginning on February 5, 2010 at approximately 12:01 AM PST, you can transfer your characters from the affected servers onto one of the two remaining servers, Antigua or Roberts. At this time, character creation will be disabled on the Blackbeard, Defiant, and Rackham servers. We hope these changes will provide you with an even more enjoyable Pirates experience.

Important Dates

° 2/2/2010 05:00AM Patch 1.22 Goes live

° 2/5/2010 12:01AM Character transfers open.

° 3/5/2010 12:01AM Blackbeard, Defiant and Rackham servers are closed.

When can I start transferring my characters?

° You can transfer your characters beginning at approximately 12:01 AM PST on February 5, 2010 using our character transfer service at: http://www.burningsea.com/pages/transfer/.

What if my Pirates of the Burning Sea subscription isn't currently active?

° Between February 5, 2010 at 12:01 AM PST and March 5, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST, accounts of former players that were closed between January 22, 2008 and January 15, 2010 will be reactivated for up to twenty-nine (29) days of free play*, which will allow you to transfer your characters to the Roberts or Antigua server and try out new features that we have implemented since you last set sail.

To learn more about the closure of the servers and character transfer, please click here.

*This offer, and the period of free game-play described in this offer, expires on March 5, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. This offer is only available for Pirates of the Burning Sea accounts that have been closed and inactive between January 22, 2008 and January 15, 2010 and is not available for accounts closed after January 15, 2010, current Pirates of the Burning Sea or Station Access accounts or for accounts that were banned or were not in good standing when its Pirates of the Burning Sea or Station Access subscription previously expired.

Entering billing information before expiration of the free play period on March 5, 2010 will terminate the free service and you will lose the balance of any unused free play period game time. In addition, if you re-subscribe to Pirates of the Burning Sea , you will not be entitled to any game time that may be included with the purchase of certain versions of, or other offers related to , Pirates of the Burning Sea . Sony Online Entertainment and Flying Lab Software do not ensure continuous or error-free access, use or availability of any game content, feature, game-play or server and may change, modify, disable, suspend or remove any such content, feature, game-play or server at their sole discretion.

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1. we will close the following servers: Blackbeard, Defiant, and Rackham

2. Between February 5, 2010 at 12:01 AM PST and March 5, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST, accounts of former players that were closed between January 22, 2008 and January 15, 2010 will be reactivated for up to twenty-nine (29) days of free play*, which will allow you to transfer your characters to the Roberts or Antigua server and try out new features that we have implemented since you last set sail.


Короче. Народу мало, закрывают 3 сервера, с них будет перенос на 2 оставшихся

Кроме того, если бы забил играть между 22 января 2008 и 15 января 2010, то можешь бесплатно реактивировать акк на 29 дней, перенести чара и попробовать новые фишки

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и будет верно имхо)) я играл как то пару месяцев ничо так игруля ток много ненужного и много недоработок в целом хорошая) жаль не моё

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