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Dreamlords: The Rewakening

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За основу был взят принцип неразрывного взаимодействия между собой двух принципиально разных игр. С одной стороны на нас смотрит симпатичная браузерная стратегия с очень и очень серьезным, самодостаточным движком. С другой – «мясная» RTS а-ля WarCraft III. Задумка интересная, но спаять эти две игры между собой, не нарушая хрупкого баланса – задача не из легких. Однако следует поздравить шведов из Lockpick – с ней они справились на ура, сохранив все лучшие черты обоих жанров и найдя неуловимую обычно золотую середину.



Двуядерный механизм функционирует неразрывно, словно процессор Core Duo, с успехом решая извечную и вездесущую проблему любой компьютерной игры, суть которой легко укладывается в нехитрую формулировку «надоело». Принцип игры постоянно меняется, по мере того, как геймер переключается между тактической стратегией и rts-клиентом. Акценты, как таковые, отсутствуют в принципе: доминирующей части не наблюдается, – они существуют в неразрывном тандеме, внося чаемое разнообразие в игровой процесс.


Непритязательность web-based части выливается в огромный плюс: доступ к своему летучему острову, любовно именуемому в местном сеттинге «патрией», можно получить с любого компьютера, на котором наличествует браузер и подключение к сети Интернет. Можно отложить RTS-потасовки на вечер у домашнего компьютера и углубиться в продвинутый менеджмент, расширяя границы своих владений и налаживая ресурсную базу; решать политические и торговые вопросы, строить козни соседям и подписывать эфемерные пакты о ненападении... Ни о какой поверхностности, зачастую присущей браузерным играм, не может быть и речи: это настоящая, полноценная стратегия со всеми вытекающими из этого выводами. Слабых или недоработанных сторон попросту нет, не обошли вниманием даже легкий RPG-элемент, подарив возможность обвешивать и прокачивать себя любимого (эго игрока, к слову, в мире Dreamlords выглядит как нечто эфемерное, обвешанное сырой вермишелью и гипнотически люминесцентно посвечивающее голубым). Нашлось место и ветвистым «древам технологий» – особенно у представителей местной интеллигенции, Nihilim – и ковке обвесов/артефактов, и многому другому... Обобщая вышесказанное, можно подвести нехитрый итог: браузерная часть Dreamlords удалась на славу, а это уже о многом говорит.


RTS-клиент – отдельная тема. Как было сказано выше, обе части игры постоянно взаимодействуют, представляя собой единый организм, только распиленный на две аккуратные части. Менеджмент, постройка городов и зданий, политика и прочие атрибуты, на которые молятся продвинутые стратеги, осуществляется исключительно через веб-интерфейс. Прерогатива же клиента – сражения, и только сражения. Так сказать, контрастный душ из полигональных потасовок после многочасовых мозголомных перипетий и вдумчивого кликанья по многочисленным кнопочкам.


Спровоцировав в браузере стычку разведгруппы с агрессивно настроенными субъектами, получаем соответствующую строчку в разделе «Missions» клиента. Разрешить же конфликт из браузера не получится – придется запустить клиент и отправиться на «переговоры» собственной незримой персоной, твердой командирской рукой направляя любовно выпестованных юнитов. В принципе, на полноценную RTS клиентская часть не тянет, да и претензий на это, как видно, не имела изначально. Главное ее предназначение – наглядно показать, что же творится на стилизованной карте родимой патрии, на которой геймер проводит бОльшую часть времени, погрузить глубже в атмосферу игры. По сути своей это – непритязательное развитие очень удачной идеи «построй, а потом сам играй построенным», на которой было основано немало удачных игр.


Снабдив воинов новыми томами, дающими определенные навыки, экипировав по душе и отправив на дела военные, мы получаем возможность непосредственно поучаствовать в боевом задании, собственноручно покликав на прокачанные скиллы, посмотрев на обновленную «заточку» оружия в деле, на отгроханную накануне часовню во всей красе... Вместо привычных стратегических иконок и упрощений – чувствуете, куда я клоню?


В принципе, можно было бы обойтись без этой части игры вообще, ограничившись скромным и лаконичным окошком «Битва прошла успешно / Вы лузер» или, в лучшем случае, карточным поединком а-ля «Демиурги». Но это была бы совсем другая игра. Не настолько зрелищная, не настолько атмосферная, без переливающейся шейдерами воды и скрупулезно прорисованных травинок (!), которые можно разглядеть при максимальном «зуме». Без кровищи и смачных всхлипов вгрызающейся во вражескую плоть «утренней звезды» (не верьте надписи 12+ на титульной странице игры; озвучка поединков прямо-таки пугает своей реалистичностью). Без жизненно важной части, которая делает Dreamlords такой, какая она есть сейчас: живая, интересная, разнообразная. Качества, которыми может похвастаться далеко не каждый проект, прошу заметить. Особенно в наши застойные времена, когда главной характеристикой игры является бюджет, ММО похожи друг на друга, словно грибы после дождя, произрастающие в огромных количествах и бесконечно нагло копируя друг друга во всем...


Что мы имеем в итоге? Одна половинка – вдумчивая браузерная стратегии, где слово «браузерная» следует читать лишь как «мультиплатформенная, либерально не требующая клиента», то бишь ни о какой квелости большинства браузерных игр речи и быть не может. Другая – симпатичная трехмерная RTS, дающая почувствовать весь вкус сражений и поучаствовать в них на правах командира, зрелищная и красивая настолько, насколько может быть красива игра-самородок. Все вместе – Dreamlords, проект харизматичный и умный, не лишенный недостатков, но обладающий морем достоинств.


Информация об Игре

Название: Dreamlords: The Reawakening


Язык Интерфейса: Aнглийский

Разработчик: Lockpick Entertaiment

Издатель: Lockpick Entertaiment

Размер файла: 547.32 Mb


Минимальные Системные требования:

Система: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista

Процессор: 1.4 Ghz Intel P4 or equivalent

Память: 256 MB

Видео-карта: 64 MB NVIDIA Geforce 3/ATI Radeon 8500 series or equivalent with Pixel Shader 1.1 support

Аудио-карта: Direct3D Sound Compatible

Жесткий диск: 1gb


Что могу сказать...Все плюсы от игры открываются толкьо после вступления в гильдию(жду вас ;) )Ну,минус-для динозавров типа меня,у которых шейдеров 2.0 нету... большинство воинов либо красные,либо черные(




Online Patria manager


The online Patria Manager lets you control the long term strategy of your patria by managing your production buildings, using the market, crafting items and communicating with your convergence.



How to Access the Patria manager

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There are two ways to access the patria manager and control your long term strategy.


* Open a web browser window and head over to: www.dreamlords.com.

* Press the management button in the client, located in the top left corner of the screen.


Log on using the login section on the right hand side of the screen with the name and password you created in the client. When you're logged on, press the play button on the right hand side in the game section.



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The overview shows you the latest news about your patria, make sure you keep up to date with the latest development from your patria's production as your strategy may need to be constantly tweaked and improved throughout the game.


Information boxes

The column of information boxes on the left side of the screen shows you news from the developers (Public Message) and your convergence. The information boxes to the right shows information and news about your Patria.


Public Message

The public message is a message to all players about the world of Dreamlords the Reawakening. Pay attention to this section as it may display very important information.


Chancellor Message

The chancellor message is a message from your convergence chancellor, the message is an invaluable tool for coordinating a convergence so don't forget to keep an eye on it, your convergence friends might be trying a new strategy today!


Latest Forum Posts

This section displays the subjects of the latest convergence forum posts.



The log registers all the important events that happen on and to your patria chronologically. The newer the item, the higher up on the log it is. Keep an eye on your log as it will display most changes that may be important to your strategy.




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The management page is where you control most of your patria. Here you can manage production buildings and construct new ones. You can also manage your population and workers, workers determine the effectiveness of buildings and are critical for your growth. Balancing the workload in your production buildings is an art that is crucial to any strategy.


Producing Buildings

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Buildings are your basic tool to progress in the world of Dreamlords: The Reawakening. Buildings have a progression value that determines how much output the building has, the progression value also determines how fast the workers of a building can research a technology. Each building type has a different set of outputs and technologies available.


Researched technologies can affect the buildings output and give your Dreamlord trait points within the buildings category, so research carefully to find the best strategy for your patria.


To maximize the level of progression in your buildings you will have to manage your workers carefully, increase your gnosis and housing to recruit new workers and remember that hiring and firing workers affect your progression output. Simply increasing the number of workers in a building is not always a good strategy, depending on your situation the optimum number of workers will vary and adding workers might sometimes be a waste of workers.



List of production buildings and their outputs

Name: Progression Type: Output(s):

Training Grounds Warfare progression Research speed

Expedition Size

Military supplies

Temple of Conquest War stategy progression Research speed

Tactical point/sec

Hospital Medical care progression Research speed

Medical points

Word Rehabilitation

Ministry building Welfare progression Research speed

Workers of gnosis

Population growth

Hunter's Cabin Beast Hunting progression Research speed

Beast hunting skills

Gatherer's garden Gathering progression Research speed

Gathering Skills

Dreamweaver's Workshop Dreamweaving progression Research speed

Formula drop chance

Dreamforger's Smithy Dreamforging progression Research speed

Formula drop chance

Dreamsorcerer's Chantry Dreamsorcery progression Research speed

Formula drop chance

Stone Quarry Stone quarrying progression Research speed


Chance to find rare stone

Lumber mill Lumbering progression Research speed


Chance to find rare wood

Ore Mine Ore mining progression Research speed


Chance to find rare metal



How to build production buildings

Production buildings are critical to receive bonuses in the category of the building.


Click an empty building slot (presented by an icon of a building on a square box on the management page) to bring up the build menu. Learn about the building and make sure you have all the necessary resources in your stockpile before your purchase by hovering the mouse pointer over the building name in the build menu. When you have made your choice to purchase a building press the build button next to its name to construct it.


Population management

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Managing your population is crucial for your strategy, increasing the number of workers in a building can increase its effectiveness but you might want to move workers between buildings or focus on acquiring gnosis to convert more of the population into workers.




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Housing is the number of houses that your civilization has constructed. Housing shelters your inhabitants and let them work for you. Without enough housing your followers will be homeless and struggling to survive, therefore unable to work for you.


Followers, and how to get them

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Followers are inhabitants of your patria that have adopted you as their leader and follow your commands. Followers are created by increasing your gnosis and building housings. It takes some time for inhabitants to become followers, a progress bar that displays this process can be found on the management page, you can spend Tribute to make them instantly available to work by pressing the instant follower button to the right of the progress bar.


How to hire workers

Workers are essential to receive any progress or output from the buildings at all. To hire workers to your production building(s) first make sure that you have workers available. The number of worker unemployed is listed at the top of the screen in the population section. To hire a worker click to select the production building you want the worker to be placed in. This will bring up the building management section on the right of the screen. There locate and press the hire workers button, input the number of workers you want to hire to the building and press ok. Depressed workers cannot be hired, either wait for the depression to end or bribe them with Tribute.


To optimize your productivity it is important to monitor your production buildings output and make sure that you are only using the number of workers needed to achieve that output, some workers might be expendable and will be more effective placed in another production building. Having more workers than the "ideal" might not always be the most effective way to go. Try to stay near the ideal value as you can, if you can.


How to fire workers

Workers are essential to receive any progress or output from the buildings at all. To fire workers from your production building(s) select the production building you want to fire the worker from. This will bring up the building management section on the right of the screen. In the management section locate and press the fire workers button, input the number of workers you want to fire from the building and press ok. After you have fired a worker they will become depressed for some time, during that time they will not work. You can however bribe them with Tribute to make them instantly available for work. To do this press the heal depressed worker button next to the depression progress bar on your management page.


How to upgrade production building

Upgrading productions buildings gives increased progression values and outputs for that building. Click a production building (presented on the management page as an icon portraying the building), on the right side of the screen you will see the production building management section.


To upgrade make sure you have researched the required technologies first and that you have enough resources and soul shards in your stockpile, and then press the upgrade button.


How to raze production buildings

Razing production buildings can free up building slots for other use. (Does not modify techs) Click on any production building to select it, this brings up the building management section on the right side of the screen. To raze the building click the "raze building" button on the right, but be sure you want to raze the building before you click.


How to set scrolls and orbs to the production building

Scrolls and orbs increase the progression value and output of a production building. When you have a scroll or orb in your stockpile click the production building you want to set it to, this will open up the building management section on the right side of the screen. With your stockpile open drag the scroll or orb to the scroll or orb slots in the building management section.


When you have placed the orbs and scrolls to your satisfaction press the apply changes button before you leave the page. If you change pages before you press the apply changes button all your changes will reset.



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Research is done specifically for each building. The research tab in the building management section on the right side of screen lets you direct your research efforts, keep in mind that research will unlock trait points and advances for your patria and Dreamlord, but only in the same category as the research. Research medical to get medical increases, warfare for warfare buffs and so on.


How to research

To research a technology, go to the technology tab of the building you wish to research in. The research tab is located in the building management section on the right side of the screen when your building is selected. Select the technology you want to research, make sure that you fulfill all the requirements and press the "research" button. In Dreamlords - The Reawakening it takes real time to research a technology based on the amount of progression in the building being used, so don't worry if you can't see a progress bar immediately.


Also, you don't need to be online in order to have the research continue its work. This is very handy when not having all the time in the world to spend on playing games.


How to research mini technologies

Many technologies have sublevels of small technologies, called minitechs, which can be crucial to your strategy or research progression. Technologies with minitechs have icons marked with a +?. Often minitechs give tomes that can be equipped to units in order to give them special abilities.



Trait Page

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Your trait page lets you manage your Dreamlord; on this page you can place your trait points to acquire different abilities and bonuses for your Dreamlord and your patria. For new players, this page does not exist. To gain access to this page, simply research a technology that gives one of more traitpoints as a reward. To see if a technology does this, simply hover it with your mouse arrow.



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Traits are skills that a Dreamlord can learn, the traits can make your Dreamlord more powerful by either granting additional building slots, more power to grow your patria or simply greater strength in battle. Traits are the main progression of your Dreamlord, as your traits increase so does the power of the Dreamlord. Traits are not the only way in Dreamlords the Reawakening to progress but they are crucial for your Dreamlord. Some trait points are premium trait points; these points are only available through premium accounts. These points are unavailable to standard account players but can be unlocked with Tribute.


FYI: Resetting your patria during an Era will cause you to lose your unspent trait points earned that Era.




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The crafting page lets you craft many of the items in Dreamlords - The Reawakening. There are three sections on this page in which you can do different things: Items, Corporeal charms and Ethereal Charms.



How to check formulas

To check if you can fuse a certain formula simply place the formula in the formula square located in the craft items section. Then press the check button. All the needed ingredients and skill levels will be shown next to your available items and skill levels.


How to craft an item

First check your formula, if you have all the necessary ingredients and the required skill level simply fill in the quantity of items you wish to craft in the numbers box to the far right of the section, then press the craft button. Your crafted item will be placed in your stockpile.


How to fuse corporeal charm

Place your corporeal charm, original item and charm manual in the designated squares located in the fuse corporeal charm section. Then simply press the fuse button. Your newly charmed item will be placed in your stockpile.


How to fuse ethereal charm

Place your Dreamlord gear and ethereal charm in the designated squares located in the fuse ethereal charm section. Then simply press the fuse button. Your newly charmed Dreamlord gear will be placed in your stockpile.


Convergence Forum

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The convergence forum lets convergence members communicate even when not all members are online at the same time or play from different time zones.



How to post in the convergence forum

Head over to the convergence forum page, on the bottom half of the page there are input boxes for a subject and longer text. Write your subject, your text and then press the add topic button.


How to reply to a post in the convergence forum

Go to the convergence forum page, locate and open the thread you wish to reply to. Scroll down and press the reply button, write your reply in the box that will open and then press the reply button again to publish it.


How to edit your post or reply in the convergence forum

Head over to the convergence forum page, find the post or reply you wish to edit and press the edit button located to the right of the subject. Change the text and then press the save post button.






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The convergence page is the main page for convergence management. Here you can share items and information with your convergence.



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The information section displays the convergence name, soul shard tax, warlord battle rating, convergence color and the current convergence rating. Name and color can be set from here by the chancellor.


The Soul Shard tax

is a percentage of the earned soul shards from an encounter that is taken directly to the convergence vault. Using the tax a convergence can pool resources to achieve certain goals effectively.


The Warlord Battle Rating

is based on the warlord player's battle rating. The warlord battle rating gives a bonus to all convergence members. The bonus is more effective if the warlord battle rating is higher compared to other convergences.



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The roles section displays the players chosen for the roles of chancellor, Archmage and warlord. The chancellor can appoint players for these roles from this section. The chancellor can also resign his or her duties here.


Chancellor Message

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This section is used by the chancellor to display a short text. It can be used for any purpose but is usually used to display news and strategies to the convergence.


Convergence status

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A convergence has two statuses; they can be active or inactive. Only active convergences can contest for PvP territories and gain the rewards that territories yield.



How to activate a convergence

Head over to the Convergence page and locate the convergence status section, if your convergence fulfills the requirements displayed in the section, simply press the activate button.


Chancellor election

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The chancellor election is used to cast votes on members of the convergence when the CV does not have a current chancellor. A certain number of votes will elect someone as chancellor immediately, otherwise when the election time ends the member with the most votes will become chancellor.


Mistrust Chancellor

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Any member can start mistrust vote for the current chancellor, if the vote is successful the chancellor will be resigned from the post immediately and a new chancellor vote will start. Simply press the mistrust button in this section to start a mistrust vote. To succeed in a mistrust vote more than 50% of the convergence members must vote to mistrust the chancellor.


If a chancellor looses the post a new chancellor election will immediately start.


Defect Convergence

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To defect your current convergence, simply press the defect button in this section. Defecting will mean that you are unable to join that particular convergence for 30 days.



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The members section displays the current members of your Convergence, it also displays some basic statistics about their patrias.


Convergence Trade

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The convergence trade tab is where you manage trading activities within the convergence.


Trade tab

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The trade section lets you send items to other members, requesting other items in return or sending them as a gift. The bottom section of the page shows your current trades in progress.



How to trade with convergence members

Head over to the convergence trade page and the trade tab. From there simply drag the item you wish to trade to the "my items" squares located at the top of the page. Click the checkbox "send aid" if you don't wish to receive anything back for the trade. Add a message, perhaps what you would like in return? Then choose the convergence member you wish to trade with from the drop down menu and then press the accept button.


Covergence Vault tab

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The convergence vault is a stockpile that can be used by all members of the convergence to store items, but only the Chancellor has the power to hand out the items and answer requests for items.



How to request an item from the convergence vault

Browse to the convergence trade page and the convergence vault tab. Locate the item you wish to receive from the list displayed, click it to bring up the request menu on the right hand side. Add the number of items you want to request in the amount field, add a message to the chancellor, possibly the reason why you need the item? Press the request item button and you're done.



The Reqruitment Hall

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In the Recruitment hall page you can join convergences, recruit players to your own or create a new convergence.



How to join a Convergence

There are three ways to join a convergence, below we have listed them in the normal order of use:


Quick join

Quick joining means jumping into a random convergence that needs members. Head over to the convergence page and click the quick join button located on the right side of the screen, you will automatically join a convergence with memberships to fill.


Apply or Join

Convergences often post for new members in the recruitment hall, if you meet all their requirements you can join them directly. Head over to the convergence page, check the lists to find the convergence you're looking to join. Press the join button on the same row as the convergence name and you're done. If an application is recuired, simply write the application message and wait for getting accepted.


How to recruit new members to your convergence

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A chancellor can recruit members to a convergence from the Member Management tab which is only available to the chancellor.


Head over to the convergence page and open the Member Management tab. Change one of the dropdown menu?s from open to recruit to open the recruitment options menu on the right side of the screen. Set the requirements you wish to use, don?t forget to check or uncheck the screening checkbox to either screen applicants for an appropriate member or allow any Dreamlord to fill the place.



How to invite Dreamlords to your convergence

A chancellor can invite members to a convergence from the Member Management tab, only available to the chancellor.


Head over to the convergence page and open the Member Management tab. Change one of the dropdown menus from open to invite to open the invitation options menu on the right side of the screen. Use the search box to find the Dreamlord you wish to invite, choose the Dreamlord in the dropdown menu, write an invitation message in the text box (a default invite message is available) then press the invite button.






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The market allows players to buy and sell items with other players. Items are displayed in tabs depending on the category of the item. The market is completely controlled by players and as such item prices vary constantly. A lucky or experienced trader can make a lot of soul shards, or bargains on the market.



How to buy from the market

Browse over to the market page, locate the item you wish to buy and click on it. This will open the items information screen and menu on the right hand side. From there you can either press the buy item for [price] button to buy it immediately or you can place a buy bid below the current price and hope it drops.


How to place a buy order

Head over to the market; click the item you wish to place a buy order for. In the right side menu input the price you wish to buy for and the quantity of items you want to buy. Check the buy checkbox and press the place order button.


How to sell on the market

Browse over to the market and open the sell item tab. Drag the items you wish to sell from your stockpile to the available item squares. Add the price you wish to sell them for and the delay in hours before the item will be placed for sale. Press the sell button and you're done.



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The ladder shows you the position of you and the other Dreamlords in the world. You can choose to search the ladder for specifics or view your closest rivals but the default view shows the 100 highest ranked Dreamlords.


The ladder is updated every few hours.


How to find my Dreamlord on the ladder

Head over to the ladder page and either search for your name using the search box on the right or click the checkbox labeled rivals and press the search button.

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чьОрд на сайте много английских букафак!!!Но поиграццо хочу...


Хм...по скринам смахивает на Heroes...как они это с Варкрафтом соединили...заинтриговали епть


З.Ы.хм....Dreamlords...знакомое название...

Изменено пользователем Feerun
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Скачал...Посмотрим, что за игруха....


Да не,то не ангел,а герой,и то они не по клеточкам,просто так выстроены на скрине)


Аккуратисты....а народ потом думает неизвестно что...

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Тих-тих)) Я еще не зарегистрировался)



Вот гады! Не могли автоапдейтер сварганить чтоли...

когда ж придет подтверждение...

Изменено пользователем Feerun
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Надо ж, как я вовремя)


А я все не могу активировать аккаунт((

Два часа ждал письма, а код активации в нем неверный оказался((

Жду еще раз...



З.Ы. Надо ж...вайп на оффе...первый раз вижу

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ну.Это не совсем вайп.Конец еры.В новую еру переносится только какая-то хрень,которой у меня нету))


Попробуй не на русскую почту)Я на укр.нет,получил через минуту.

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Пробовал.На yahoo вообще не пришло,зато недавно пришло на рамблер...


Таааакк....а что тут делать?)) Йа с инглишем не в ладах...вродь как обследовать какую-то область...



З.Ы.ай-яй-яй, какой нехороший укр.нет!

Изменено пользователем Merovingen
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Тэкс, кажись подразобрался....смахивает на мою в прошлом любимую "Манию Войны"

Нупские вопросы-где взять дань и где посмотреть опыт(если он есть)?


З.Ы. а, да...ник Feirun))

Изменено пользователем Feerun
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Нам нужны еще люди.Всем играть


Разрабатываю план,как быстро вкачаться.После конца еры-мне главу,чтоб гильдквесты активировать мог.

Изменено пользователем Merovingen
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Разрабатываю план,как быстро вкачаться.После конца еры-мне главу,чтоб гильдквесты активировать мог.


Я тож активировать могу...soulов хватает...

А вот ингредиентов пока недостаточно(совсем чуть-чуть не хватает)

Кстати, квесты многоразовые?И стоят ли того?




З.Ы.Trubute-это реал чтоль вкладывать?

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Активируй на мясо боровов,что дает +5% к лесу,у меня их дофига,и лесопилка стоит.


Трибуты-ога.Но кланы,удерживающие земли,получают по 10 трибьютов в день на персону)

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Хотел поиграть, но после этого...


Активируй на мясо боровов,что дает +5% к лесу,у меня их дофига,и лесопилка стоит.


...я вспомнил ВП и играть перехотел. ;))

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в веб-управлении на странице квесты гильдии,активируй тот квест,в котором надо собрать 40 мяса боровов.У меня их 50.А еще,я крафтить умею,я скрафтил щиты и талисманы своим солдатикам.

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