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Для получения достижения Tribunal Preacher (Преемника Трибунала) вам необходимо найти все 37* уроков Вивека. *Когда вы прочитаете 36 книг то в тот же день с "удовольствием" узнаете, что есть и 37-я. Все 37 уроков Вивека: 1. SE, Seyda Neen; Inside Census and Excise Office, on a table. 2. NW, Gnisis; 2nd floor of the Gnisis Temple, on a bench. 3. NW, Ashalmawia; South from the dungeon entrance, next to a big tree, close to the water. 4. S, Suran; Inside the Suran Temple, on a table. 5. SE, Tel Branora Wayshrine; Break into Dalen’s House and you’ll find it on a chair. 6. S, Suran; West from the town, on a bench in a house. 7. NE, Sadrith Mora; Inside the Gateway Inn. 8. NE, Vos; In the Gathering House, just right from the entrance, below a framed picture on the wall. 9. NE, Pinsun, Hanud Tower; In a boat. 10. S, Vivec City; Western part of town, close to the enchanting table. 11. S, Master Kharekh’s Residence; North from Vivec City, on a small boat. 12. SW, Ahemmusa Camp; In a hole of the small cliff, next to an extinguished bonfire. 13. W, Khartag Point; Close to the dungeon entrance, next to a bonfire and a backpack. 14. E, Falensarano Ruins; In a wheelbarrow. 15. N, Ald Carac; On a wheelbarrow with target practice marks. 16. W, S from Ald’ruhn Camp; Next to a blocked shrine entrance. 17. NE, Tel Mora; NE from the Vos town center. Break into Ahtram’s House and you’ll find it on a large table. 18. NE, East from Molag Mar; In a bay, next to a small boat. 19. E, Tel Aruhn; In Vedran’s House, next to the entrance. 20. SE, Shashpilamat; East from the Matus-Akin Egg Mine, next to an empty wheelbarrow. 21. S, Amaya Lake; SE from Balmora, in a fishing lodge on a small peninsula, next to a bed. 22. S, Ules Manor; South from the Suran wayshrine, on a dock, next to the four wooden boxes. 23. S, Marandus; East from the Foyada Quarry, next to the rail tracks, on top of a pile of wooden boards. 24. S, Ald Sotha; Close to a road, a large tree and some boulders. 25. SW, Balmora; In the NW part of town, in the Balmora Tribunal Temple, on a small table, next to a window. 26. NE, Nchuleftingth Wayshrine; In a wheelbarrow. 27. E, Tel Galen; SE from Sadrith Mora, on the largest island, on top of the stairs. 28. SE, Molag Mar Wayshrine; On the corner of a small pier. 29. SE, Holamayan Monastery; On a wooden wheelbarrow. 30. W, Arenim Manor; South from Khartag Point, close to the wall entrance. 31. NW, Salothan’s Council; At the end of a road, close to the shrine. 32. S, Mistress Dren’s Residence; Southeast from Balmora, on the southern shore of Amaya Lake, on a wooden box. 33. SW, Vassir-Didanat Mine; At the start of a long stairway, on a barrow. 34. E, Pulk; Next to the metal gate, on a chair. 35. S, Vivec City; From the east side, in the Farmers and Laborers Hall, on a kitchen table. 36. SW, Balmora; Just east from the two bridges, on a night table in Retheran’s House. 37. SE, Tel Branora Wayshrine; Inside a tower, below a three-part picture, next to some foliage. http://a.icepic.ru/a1554c1.jpeg По карте зачастую бывает сложно определить точное расположение книги и поэтому я даю ссылку на видео, по которому вам возможно проще будет сориентироваться и отыскать то что нужно: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBfJIftdJAE
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- Tribunal Preacher
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